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Interesting comparisons between Spurling and Tomlinson; between Azusa Street and Cleveland.
There is an interesting observation about William Seymour


  • Reply November 15, 2018

    Louise Cummings

    I tried to read it , but couldn’t see it well enough.

    • Reply November 16, 2018

      Link Hudson

      Louise Cummings the cursive was a bit hard to read for me too. I think i got 90%. We are spoiled with the nice fonts these days.

    • Reply November 16, 2018

      Louise Cummings

      That’s true. I want to ask yo a question. I know you do. But you believe in the Spirit Of God don’t you? Sometimes when I’m here all alone except my grandson that’s four years old. And he watches his eye pad most of the time. The point is when everything is quiet most of the time , I am mediating on God or His Word. I was thinking about you thinking the Rapture would come at the end of the Tribulations, before we have the Rapture. But what would be the use then. He would have to rise a lot of dead people before He could take them to Heaven and then come right back with them. I had a Scripture come to my mind. I looked it up. We have already studied all the Scriptures on us rising to meet Him in the air. I’ve read where you have said it’s isn’t in the Word. And I have said it to. That’s what we live by , is His Word. But the Bible said when He(The Holy Spirit ) is Come He shall lead us into all truth and Righteousness. Well the point. Some things we have to ask God to led us. Show us what you mean by that Scripture. 1Cor.1: 12-16. This isn’t exactly the one I had in mind. But it’s a good one. Talks about God revealing it to us by His Spirit. Even the deep thingsGod ( I’m just giving you points through this. You can read the whole thing. ). I was about eyes hadn’t seen. Ears hadn’t heard , neither has it interesting the heart of Man what God has prepared for those that love Him. But God has revealed it unto us by His Spirit. God gives us His Word. But He also reveals things to us by His Spirit. Just think our eyes has never seen Heaven. Our ears hadn’t heard ( you say well I’ve heard preaching on Heaven). Well our ears has never heard this. The Bible says ears hadn’t heard , neither has it entered into the the heart of man. What God has prepared for those that love Him. But God has revealed it to us by His Spirit. ( one thing for sure astrology will never find it. Jesus said before He Went up to prepare it. I sure don’t want to miss it. Read and study it again without having your mind already made up and see what the Lord reveals to you. Read 1 Thessalonians 5:2. I have got to studying my Sunday School Lesson.

    • Reply November 16, 2018

      Louise Cummings

      I should have said Scientist. Will never dint the place the Lord prepared for us. We have to Life right to get to see it. Read 1 Thessalonians 5:2. To find He comes as a thief in the night.not for Christians. We suppose to be watching for Him all the time. The Bible said He is Coming for those that look for Him.

    • Reply November 16, 2018

      Louise Cummings

      Revelation 3:10 is a good one. Because you have kept the Word Of My patience , I also will keep you from the hour of temptation , which shall come upon all the world, to try them who dwell upon the earth. ( read on down through verse 13. ).

  • Reply November 16, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    interesting document on Link denomination with which he may not agree – as per the actual content of the letter

    • Reply November 16, 2018

      Link Hudson

      Troy Day does this letter run contrary to your beliefs? Did Spurling’s dad(?) equate the biblical role of bishop with that of a local pastor?

    • Reply November 16, 2018

      Varnel Watson

      Spring believed entire sanctification right? This is what I am reading here: The Spurlin men traditionally ran lumber mills and grist mills. Records have been found indicating this from the earliest Spulins of proven ancestry – John, of Orange County, NC. right down the line. Richard, Sr cut 32 sets of grist mill wheels during his lifetime At least 3 sets can be found today. There is a beautiful white Methodist Church building in the Turtletown, TN area that Richard, Sr., and Richard, Jr., sawed the lumber for and constructed.

  • Reply November 16, 2018

    Link Hudson

    The letter, date September 1886, says he was ordained as a bishop.

    The COG website says he was ordained as a PASTOR in August 1886.

    “R.G. Spurling and his father Richard Spurling founded the Christian Union on August 19, 1886. R.G. Spurling became the first pastor of this fledgling congregation, which is considered to be the first Church of God. James M. Beaty, Ph.D, compiled these writings.”

    Did these early proto-Pentecostals equate bishops with pastors. Would you agree with equating the role of pastor and bishop Troy Day? Do you agree with that?

    • Reply November 17, 2018

      Louise Cummings

      I got on my eye pad and it was big enough for me to read.

    • Reply November 17, 2018

      Varnel Watson

      Apparently your denomination has problems ordaining women pastors for bishops from what I’ve read

    • Reply November 17, 2018

      Link Hudson

      Troy Day I spent about 1 year in the US COG denomination as a teen. I do not think GBI even has denominationally recognized title of bishop/penilik.

      I do find it a bit irritati g that the US branch just makes up its own definition if the word. At least the Methodists are following some kind of tradition. Bit I get the impression tje elder Sperling associated it with the lical pastor ministry. Wasn’t that church one tiny congregation at that time?

  • Reply November 17, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    Link Hudson I really cant follow up with your affiliations much – sorry It’s just way too much to keep up with

    – first was baptist theology expertise
    – then it was AG but not really just visiting
    – then it was cog by affiliation but now not really again
    – just the other day you threw the bomb of Vineyard church – was it Kansas or Toronto? I dont see Toronto as any type of Vineyard church not to mention how in the world does anyone go from church to church every other year located thousands of miles away – cant keep up #sorry

    • Reply November 17, 2018

      Link Hudson

      Troy Day I gave moved around a lot geographically over the tears. I can’t say I have been to a first Baptist unless it was while visiting relatives, at a wedding or while on vacation and I was without a car.

      I moved a lot growing up and went to A/G as a toddler, Independant Full Gospel, a Charismatic church in KY where my parents could not find a Pentecostal church nearby, then Full Gospel and A/G through middle and high school. With one year in the COG but still Bible quizzing with the A/G church for half of that time. CH in college and a little after while attending a Vineyard church plant at night in Athens, GA. Lots of different churches overseas, including GBI. I’ve gone to international churches. Some time with a church that had affiliated with the IPHC in Honolulu.bOne international church in Korea was Baptist–the only English service in town I knew of but did not advertise that. I have also been a part of a couple of house churches.

    • Reply November 17, 2018

      Link Hudson

      Troy Day that church in Toronto was affiliated with the Vineyard when the movement broke out. People who went there from where I was would reportback allegorical interpretarions of the Bible they heard there and I was not sure if they were supposed to be prophecies or not. I read Wimber spoke out againt their allegoeical use of scripture, read something new tgey released that used that approach and anounced they were no longer in the organization.

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