Messenger Confidentials: The dope man

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For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; and reproofs of instruction are the way of life:”
– Proverbs 6:23

I talked to a man. He was a good guy. Loved his children. Paid the rent. But he was a dope dealer. His trade was grief and pain and death and sin. He thought he was providing a service. It took a few conversations over as many days. I tried to represent Jesus the best I could in love and patience with some well placed verses. Some heart felt prayers for his soul. A little kindness with some direct reproof and he was convicted. He said, “Is this the man that I have become” we prayed together that God would have mercy on him and forgive him. That he would put his faith and trust in Jesus Christ.. He walked away from that life. Jesus gave him a new life. A life of peace and joy and righteousness in the holy ghost.
I honestly didn’t think he would get it. But he did. God convicted him. And he turned from it. It took patience and kindness and a steady plow. In the end he couldn’t escape his sin. God touched him and confronted him and convicted him and converted him.
I’ll never forget it, “Is this the man I’ve become?” The next day he got saved!


  • Reply July 20, 2018

    Alden Lopez Salguero

    No there isn’t, even though there is lots of them calling themselves Apostles, they have to read Marc 3:16-17 and Revelations Chapter 21.

  • Reply July 20, 2018

    Cameron King

    Great testimony about the dope dealer getting saved. Should we comment on the testimony or on modern day apostles?

  • Reply July 20, 2018

    Robert Erwine

    small “a” as in starting ministries and encouraging pastors ? yes . new revelation ? no

  • Reply July 20, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    how about re discovering old revelation long forgotten

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