A Visible Unity: Cecil Robeck and the Work of Ecumenism by Josiah Baker

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A Visible Unity: Cecil Robeck and the Work of Ecumenism

Josiah Baker

The work of uniting churches is slow, challenging, and multifaceted; and it changes in each generation and location. In this book, Josiah Baker studies the efforts of believers towards reconciliation as something significant for how we understand the church. He offers a theology for laborers, people for whom unity is not only an idea but a calling and sure hope.

A Visible Unity is a study in systematic theology on the relation of ecumenical methodology to ecclesiological convergence, how acting together results in the churches being together. Ecumenical work informs ecclesiology because it involves the actions of Christians together in accordance with their shared views of the church. Whenever this work changes, the partnering churches change their relations and further resolve their divisions.

Baker studies ecclesiology by telling stories about a person—the Pentecostal ecumenist Cecil Robeck—for Robeck’s decades of leadership in American and global ecumenical settings. By narrating his activities and analyzing his thought, the book offers a window into the interrelation of different portions of the ecumenical movement and how the movement has changed over the years. Baker compiles archival materials and personal interviews to tell stories about ecumenism never before published.

My sense is that a copy of this book should be present in many theological libraries. Anything that you can do to see that it is placed, I would appreciate. Just so you know, Joey didn’t ask me to advertise this book, and I do not recieve anything for advertising it – well – maybe a little fleeting fame, for what it is worth. I also hope that it will be well reviewed.


Mel Robeck.

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