Matthew 24:34 "until all these things be fulfilled" or "until all these things have begun"?

Matthew 24:34 "until all these things be fulfilled" or "until all these things have begun"?

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In Matthew 24:34 Our Lord says

I say unto you this generation shall not pass away until all these things be fulfilled.

The Greek word translated "be fulfilled" is "ginomai", Strong’s number 1096. It has a broad spectrum of meanings as can be seen in Strong’s Concordance.

In Mark 4:17 we read:

And have no root in themselves, and so endure but for a time: afterward, when affliction or persecution ariseth for the word’s sake, immediately they are offended (Mark 4:17, KJV; see also Matthew 13:21).

In this verse (and Mt 13:21) the word ginomai is translated "ariseth".

Is there a reason why it is not translated "ariseth" in Matthew 24:34?

Does this mean verse Matthew 24:34 could say:

"This generation will not pass away until all these things have begun"?

Our Lord would then be meaning "until the things spoken of start taking place". The generation he is talking to will see evidence of these things beginning to unfold even in their own lifetimes. (The idea being that there is an inevitability of these things happening because of the events happening in their own generation: once a rock starts rolling down a hill you know it will inevitably crash into the thing at the bottom of the hill, in fact you start seeing immediately some of the damage it is causing as it descends. And once you see the Jewish nation and its (religious) leaders reject their Messiah you know the inevitable disastrous consequences which will follow, of which some of those consequences you are already seeing.)

Is there anyone with a knowledge of Greek able to say if such a translation is possible? Thanks.

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