What is the difference between a worshiper and a priest?

What is the difference between a worshiper and a priest?

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Worship being defined as giving something worth-to demonstratively attribute value especially to God. How does one demonstrate one’s valuation of God without making a sacrificial offering? Can there be worship without sacrifice? Christ being the ultimate blood sacrifice, we who worship must now sacrifice our possessions (lk 14:33), relationships(mt 19:29), ambitions (mt 8:22) etc…and one who makes sacrifices unto God, and serves God only is a priest, no? Worshiper=Priest?

1 Comment

  • Reply February 23, 2023


    I hope that the priest can do his duties by offering to the Lord in a proper manner. The worshipper can offer praise to God and mingles with the Holy Spirit to get a real fellowship with God. However, we have been called for both purposes in the New Testament. Amen!

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