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Terry Wiles [12/21/2015 8:59 AM]
They never checked with the owner of their body. And as for the church… Pity the leader on judgment day.
Timothy D McCune [12/21/2015 10:05 AM]
Are you guys saying that the leader and those that have tattoos have sinned? Are you condemining their souls?
Vlad Stepanov [12/21/2015 10:15 AM]
Run away from that church.
Timothy D McCune [12/21/2015 10:22 AM]
I am not saying i would attend that church, just wondering what the overall thoughts on getting tattoos are? Do most people here think it is a sin issue or not and if so can you really support it with Biblical scripture? I ll check back at lunch time.
Terry Wiles [12/21/2015 10:25 AM]
Leviticus 19:28 portion of the owners instruction book.
John Kissinger [12/21/2015 10:33 AM]
Link would have trouble keeping people quite in a #TATTOOchurch
Timothy D McCune [12/21/2015 4:50 PM]
I have several tattoos, let me ask you do you keep all the laws in Leviticus !9? Like your clothing is any of it mix with two types of material or do you cut your hair,do you trim your beard if you have one,do you eat certain animals? etc…….. If you are going judge the law then look at the whole thing. and look at what they meant by cuts and tattoos.
Link Hudson [12/21/2015 4:52 PM]
I definitely don’t think churches should encourage tatoos.
I was talking with an in-law who said she was thinking of getting a tatoo in Hebrew. I said, I know, you can get that verse tatooed on you that says not to make any marks on your body.
Link Hudson [12/21/2015 5:00 PM]
Tatoos are ugly. You wouldn’t like it if someone sprayed grafitti all over your house. Why would you want to draw or write something you can’t erase from your body?
I really don’t get why singles would get tatoos. I was with a single late-30’s fellow whose a believer and fairly successful in the lobby of his apartment. He saw a young blonde woman with a beautiful face, but she was wearing shorts and had all these loud tatoos on her legs. We walked out and he said he didn’t understand why a beautiful girl like that would want to get tatoos. It’s like someone screaming for attention.
Sure, there are women men and women who see a tatted up member of the opposite sex and think that’s cool. But there are plenty of others who see it and who are repulsed by it, probably moreso among believers with a high view of scripture. When I was single, a girl with tatoos was out of my consideration set. I just wasn’t interested. I don’t care for graffiti. Beyond that, I think it may say something about the person’s decision-making. They make an irreversal decision like that, for what? Attention seeking? It also makes the person seem kind of wild to me.
It’s a good thing I found a godly wife, by the grace of God. The trend toward tatoos and body mofication can make it harder to find a wife. I’d imagine it would be really hard for a young man to find a tatoo-free virgin under 160 pounds that he finds attractive. And the girls who don’t like tattoos have it just as bad, at least in the US. I got married before the tatoo trend reall took off, but I married an Indonesian and it would probably be easier to find girls who fit those kind of criteria in other countries like that.
Jo Shartzer [12/21/2015 5:16 PM]
I have 26 tattoos..also have spiritual theology degree and what I learned is the word testament which means covenant so we have old and new covenant(old/new testament) Christ said he is new covenant and filled old covenant
Street Preacherz
This tattoo was a sin for sure…
Richard Swenson
There is a new movement of Christian tattoos with the Arabic N. I am Nazarene
Street Preacherz
No Nazarene I know would get a tattoo. They’re pretty strict.
Richard Swenson
Street Preacherz I’m guessing you may not have read the entire thing. isis is labeling Christians and christian property for death and property seizure. Many Christians are getting the Arabic N tattooed as a show of unity. Having worked in motorcycle ministry for years one thing has always broke my heart was debate over doctrine. Generally speaking anything that unites Christians I’m in favor of.
Street Preacherz
Sorry,no. hope you understand my slight humor concerning our strong and principled brethren the Nazarenes. Even if now it appears inappropriate. I just read the few chapters. thank you.
I think i understand solidarity but intercession would be a true mark. Marked by heaven. Ez. 9 marked. And that would be grace, brokenness, prayers of faith with patience and a note of victory. And elections.
Sin unifies everybody. The cross divides. As long as the earth remains Jesus will remain a rock of offense. But I agree I like common ground. When you come under persecution or affliction labels don’t mean so much. Jehovah Nissi!!!
Richard Swenson
Street Preacherz no offense taken I’m not that thin skinned. Keep up the good works brother. There are those that spend the day talking and debating and those that go out and share the “Good News” I prefer as I see you do to be the latter of the two. There will always be stiff necks and those that want to unify. I like Paul (one of my favs) am a sinner and of them I am the worst. But my Jesus knows I am a work in progress. Be well.
Street Preacherz
Stay tuned… lol
Link Hudson
Street Preacherz Aren’t we all Nazarenes? It’s a term for Christians that non-Christians used to refer to them as recorded in the New Testament, just like the word ‘Christian’, or the Greek word from which it is derived. The Arabic word for Christian is ‘Natsrani’ or something like that, I think.
Varnel Watson
Lot’s of Christians today have “Tats 4Jesus” but is it Biblical at all
Street Preacherz
Souls brother souls. I’m not the lone stranger here but I’ve seen some pretty tough characters come to Christ. Some ungodly tat’s. Racist, gangster affiliations, fraternities, they are marked and scarred by the world. Does the blood of Christ cover tattoo’s. But as a practical matter I try to catch ’em and let the pastor clean ’em.
But seriously tattoos are the least of our troubles. If a man will be consumed with the love of God everything else will fall into place. How ’bout smoking? Lying and you know, that second look at sister so and so that always wears the low cleavage? Tattoos are easy to condemn, how about “to holy for church?”
On the practical side %60 of visible tattoos do not get that second interview.
Street Preacherz
Preacher Troy Day is the article about tattoos or the inability of the minister of the gospel to offer compelling arguments for Christ and interesting illustrations to reel them in. Should story telling be a component of ecclesiastical study.
The sermon on the Mount is full of timeless illustrations. How about that open. “… his disciples came unto him.”
Vincent Christina Young
I agree with you
Link Hudson
I had a sister-in-law who said she was thinking of getting a tattoo in Hebrew. I told her she could get that verse from Leviticus about not putting any marks on your body.
Street Preacherz
This is pushing the envelope
Richard Swenson
Revelation 19:16. I believe on his thigh will be permanent (like a tattoo) and not something that is temporary…… then again I know he is my king and don’t need to spend my time debating doctrine so often those that spend the time on the highways and byways compelling folks to give Christ a try and take a step through that front door are over ridden by he pew sitters who sit in judgment beating them out the backdoor….. such a shame…..
Link Hudson
IMO, that’s a strange interpretation. Do you think the mark of the beast will be a tattoo, too?
It could be the name got whipped onto his thigh for all we know. We still had the holes in his hands and side when He appeared to Thomas.
Richard Swenson
Link Hudson for all we know is the key I love the bully’s with Bibles threads for all we know tinker bell could blow fairy dust up your tail. Point is it will be permanent. As for the mark of the beast is there a place I need to go to let the world know I have been “pre judged” by the Bullies with Bibles brigade. We can debate doctrine All day long. Or scriptures while we are At let’s take a look. At these 6 things the lord hates and 7th is abomination unto God (sewing discord)
Proverbs 6:16-19
16 These six things the Lord hates,
Yes, seven are an abomination to Him:
17 A proud look,
A lying tongue,
Hands that shed innocent blood,
18 A heart that devises wicked plans,
Feet that are swift in running to evil,
19 A false witness who speaks lies,
And one who sows discord among brethren.
We can pay close attention the last one
I’m more interested in sharing with people the word that draws them closer to the lord rather than condemn those who dare speak up. And defend fellow Christians ya see I’m forgiven by a power that I hope one day all Christians will come to understand.
This is not a private club kids God is love
If ya think your gaining ground for the kingdom by condemning every Christian that is making an attempt well I feel for ya
This is where you bust into the …..only preach truth bla. Bla bla Take a good look at how that is working out against the war on Islam in Europe
Link Hudson
Richard Swenson Your response comes off as judgmental. You seem kind of defensive. Many of us are able to discuss different issues without it being ‘discord.’
Varnel Watson
Richard Swenson Are you implying Jesus went to a tat shop and got some ink in his skin to complete such interpretation of Revelation 19:16?
Richard Swenson
I’m sorry did I miss where the prophecy has come to pass of revelation. Who am I but a mere servant to proclaim where and what he will do before he come riding back in. Bit if he is looking for a tattoo artist I can surely share several that I think do great work. But I’m guessing he has his own artist. What I may be implying is that many Christian folk spend their every day worrying about things that fit in their doctrine basket and find things to poke other Christians into debate. Rather than working toward giving people the message of LOVE, Compassion, and Understanding that I get from my bible. Many years ago I was told never argue with a fool because people will wonder who the fool is…….. I was simply implying that I believe when the Bible says written on his thigh it will be written permanently not with crayons that some are accustomed to using on a daily basis.
Varnel Watson
Leviticus 19:28 seems very precise: “‘Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the LORD.”
Richard Swenson
Troy Day Rofl did you just claim you are the lord. ROFL ? well lord guess I’ll never be as saved as you and I’m condemned to the fire lake be well
Varnel Watson
Nope. Just quoted the Bible – Are you saying Jesus would do something contrary to the Bible in Leviticus 19:28?
Richard Swenson
Please refer to the above statement good day sir now I have to go “WORK” can’t spend my day picking fights with Christians Good day sir…..
Vincent Christina Young
I agree with you Troy Day
Varnel Watson
Absolutely – the Bible says it
Veronica Maxwell
Our God teaches us in principles (Old Testament) and in parables (New Testament). The tattoo is not an issu…
Doyle Rogers
Lev_19:28 Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD.
Jireh D Hormann
Doyle Rogers Revelation 19:16 (NKJV) And He has on [His] robe and on His thigh a name written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.
Doyle Rogers
Jesus is also seated at the right hand of the Father .WILL YOU ALSO ASSUME HIS ACTION. Question Why is it that people are always looking for a loophole to disobey God’s word.?
Rome Meade
Doyle Rogers agreed. ?
Jireh D Hormann
How is that looking for a loophole?
Doyle Rogers
You ask …”How is that looking for a loophole?” He evidently is basing his answer upon the assumption that Jesus has a Tattoo on his thigh . Some people forget that God is ” IMMUTABLE” unchangeable . ……………. Heb_6:18 That by two immutable things, in which it was impossible for God to lie, we might have a strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us:………………………….Isa 55:11 So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. .
Christopher Lance Dart
Doyle Rogers Leviticus 19:27 “Do not cut the hair at the sides of your head or clip off the edges of your beard.” — Trim that hair recently? Where’s that beard? Why does verse 28 still apply to us in the New Covenant but not verse 27? ??♂️
Ricky Weeks
Devil put this thoughts in there minds remember the devil don’t want anyone to get saved the devil want everyone to Perish with him
Kyle Williams
What happened to coming out from among the world and being separate, this is sad. I dont look down on people that have got tattoos. But encouraging it is a whole different story
Patricia Worthington
Our bodies are HIS temple
. We need to keep them pure, unblemished and holy.
Varnel Watson
Jim Price are you getting one any time soon?