Or despisest thou the riches

Or despisest thou the riches

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Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance?
– Romans 2:4

it is our great honour and privilege to bear witness and give testimony for the goodness of God . I pray we will always be faithful to him and the words of life. The word of reconciliation that is in Jesus Christ. those that have known horrible loss can say with Job, I know my redeemer lives those that have known awful trial can say as David said, and as Paul boldly says the Lord is my help. I will not be afraid.
I believe it is especially the duty of grey headed men to point troubled souls and hurting families to the good God. The Almighty God. the Faithful God. God who does not change. We that have known his great care, his providence. His unfailing mercies. His cleansing power. His readiness to forgive.
The goodness of God leads us and draws and brings us to repentance and deliverance from sin. The goodness of God leads us like light out of darkness. Out of bondage into glorious liberty. The burden is rolled away. The power of guilt and shame is broken. The heart made new. His goodness does this.
Aug 11, 2022, 1:50 AM

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