780 When Demons Get Comfortable

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  • Reply March 15, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    They do comfortable you know Joseph D. Absher Robert Borders

  • Reply March 15, 2018

    Joseph D. Absher

    Good timing, thanks. I can look at it in a few.

  • Reply March 15, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    That was a fast prayer

  • Reply March 15, 2018

    Joseph D. Absher

    Got an idea. Had to write it down.
    Maybe you are a good preacher, or a Greek scholar, or a stand up Bible Teacher, but are you a minister of Christ.
    One thing I’m learning is to see the work of the Holy Spirit. It might be in the shadow of a bird over head or in the shadow of the cross or in the shadow of a man. But God is working gently for our good. He’s thorough. He doesn’t run ahead. He walks us right through the darkness and into the light. He’s gracious and kind and tenderhearted. Jesus is a Saviour in every way. He touches and heals and delivers that one lost sheep. Overwhelmed and alone and hurting. Jesus is that good. He keeps us and makes us useful by his mighty power.

  • Reply March 15, 2018

    Joseph D. Absher

    It’s official my first Perry Stone video. It was encouraging, thoughtful and edifying thank you. He said a few things I’ll have to think about. He was willing to take a shot at people that won’t serve Christ over money or family. That’s not always easy. Maybe he could have included denomination. But thank you I’ll have follow along a little more closely. It wouldn’t surprise me if Church of God after all the storms wouldn’t start to shine and blossom in these last days.

  • Reply March 16, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    Give us all points in a scoop then

  • Reply March 16, 2018

    Joseph D. Absher

    The big take away I think was that prayers for deliverance and healing can be separate or combined. And the facts that the pigs was big business feeding the soldiers. All good stuff. Old school meet new school I guess. Shows what God can do with a man if he stays the course. I liked it.

  • Reply March 16, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    The theme of the Bible from beginning to end is the conflict between good and evil, between God and the devil. It begins with the serpent in Eden in Genesis 3 and concludes with the devil being cast into the lake of fire in Revelation 20. So it is not surprising that today Christians are becoming more aware of their battle against demonic forces. Many see that satanic worship is on the rise around us, increasing numbers of teenagers are experimenting with witchcraft, and “new-age” bookstores are becoming the resource center for those interested in the dark world of the occult. The Christian church is also experiencing a growing interest in combating demonic forces. Teaching on spiritual warfare is in great demand today. A proliferation of books, with titles such as Bondage Breaker and Victory Over the Darkness, spill over the shelves in Christian bookstores. The doctrine that Christians can be inhabited by demons is popularly taught by respected teachers across diverse theological lines, from the charismatic movement to fundamental dispensational teachers.

    The question remains, can a Christian have a demon? This question is not merely academic; the answer will determine our views on the sovereignty of God, the authority of the Word of God, and whether personal experience will supersede Bible doctrine.

  • Reply March 16, 2018

    Joseph D. Absher

    Is “Sovereignty of God” over complicating it? If you mention the Sovereignty of God you kinda have to mention God commands men everywhere to repent. But I’m not seeing it to much. Not even in Spirit filled churches.
    Not to get off topic but last night I heard a minister of Christ say porn is a transgression not an iniquity. In an off hand way saying it’s not so bad. Using the scriptures to declassify offense to God and man. This I think lacks the horror of sin. It’s price and corruption.

  • Reply March 16, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    For many who teach that Christians can be possessed by a demon, the repeated experience of the demonic phenomenon is held up as the most significant factor. Numerous cases are cited of people, who by all appearances, seem to be genuinely manifesting characteristics of demon possession. Merrill F. Unger writes, “In Biblical Demonology I stated, ‘to demon possession, only unbelievers are exposed’. Later I wrote, ‘Since the first publication of Biblical Demonology in 1952, I have received many letters from missionaries from all over the world who question the theory that true believers cannot be demon-possessed…The claims of these missionaries appear to be valid.’ ” (1). However, personal experience must submit to the authority of the Holy Scriptures. Where the Word of God clearly speaks, experience, irrespective of its persuasiveness, must remain silent. Many of these occurrences may be attributed to mental illness and also to the power of suggestion. In other occurrences, it may be that the individuals in question were not truly regenerate. How can one determine with 100% accuracy those who are genuine believers (2 Tim 2:19)? We must conclude that to base biblical doctrine on personal experience subjects a believer to spiritual harm. Counsel should be given to others to proceed cautiously in basing their belief on the condition of Christians who seem to be demon possessed, when the weight of biblical doctrine leans against that view.

  • Reply March 16, 2018

    Robbie Asbury

    makes me think of proverbs 6:2 and proverbs 23:7 , then romans 1:18-23…
    I wonder if there are scenarios where people are not careful with what they say or what they dwell on and are foolish and this cause the opening which the enemy may negatively affect them….????
    then they claim it as possession when technically its not, it them causing it to happen to themselves…?????

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