bible December 12, 2019 8 POUND of a BIBLE: A message from Perry Stone Click to join the conversation with over 500,000 Pentecostal believers and scholars Click to get our FREE MOBILE APP and stay connected | SIGN UP to RECEIVE our weekly NEWSLETTERS on PENTECOST PentecostalTheology .com Previous articleArk of the Covenant Still Hidden in Jerusalem? Next articleSpiritual Warfare Prayer Cures Illness on Friday the 13th FULL MOON 4 Comments Reply April 7, 2020 Varnel Watson hey Peter Vandever if they do or dont doesnt matter Hes got a product ppl want His DAY OF RECKONING is spot and even you wanted to crown him king of the cogs 🙂 Reply April 7, 2020 Peter Vandever I said he would be a smart move for the COG due to marketability. Reply April 7, 2020 Varnel Watson but instead Peter Vandever he submitted his credentials Reply May 9, 2020 Varnel Watson Leave a Reply Click here to cancel reply. Cancel replyComment * Name Email Website Δ This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed.
I have a list of plague parallels from Ipuwar papyrus. Can someone help me adding proper verse numbers [closed] 1.The Nile turned to blood: "The river is blood. If one drinks from it, one rejects (it) as human and thirsts for water." Frogs: "Frogs were throughout the land. Even the palace was filled with frogs. When they struck the v…
Varnel Watson
hey Peter Vandever if they do or dont doesnt matter Hes got a product ppl want His DAY OF RECKONING is spot and even you wanted to crown him king of the cogs 🙂
Peter Vandever
I said he would be a smart move for the COG due to marketability.
Varnel Watson
but instead Peter Vandever he submitted his credentials
Varnel Watson