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1933 7 Visions of William Branham
1933 Seven Visions (Concerning Endtime Events From 1933 to The End)
The Seven Visions
Vision One:
He saw in a vision that the dictator of Italy, Benito Mussolini, would invade Ethiopia and according to the voice speaking to him, Ethiopia “would fall at his (Mussolini’s) steps”. However, the voice continued and prophesied a dread end of the dictator, for he would have a horrible death and his own people would literally spit on him.
Vision Two:
The next vision indicated America would be drawn into a world war against Germany which would be headed up by the Austrian, Adolph Hitler. The voice predicted that this terrible war would overthrow Hitler and he would come to a mysterious “end”. In this vision he was shown the Siegfried line whereat a great toll of American lives would be exacted, but Hitler would be defeated.
It might be well to mention here that a subsequent vision relative to this war predicted that President Roosevelt would declare war against Germany and in so doing would eventually be elected for a fourth term.
PLEASE NOTE: For many years, the American government denied “the losses” suffered by the American forces at the Seigfried Line. It wasn’t until sometime in the early 1960’s that German films surfaced, forcing the Americans to admitt what really happened at that line. Off course, it’s not the first time that governments attempted to cover up mistakes, failure and losses during a war. (Editor: The William Branham Home Page)
Vision Three:
The third part of the vision showed that though there were three ISMS, Fascism, Nazism, Communism in the world: that the first two would come to nothing but that Communism would flourish. The voice admonished him to keep his eyes on “Russia” concerning future involvements, for Fascism and Nazism would end up in Communism.
PLEASE NOTE: In 1933, The Voice admonished him to “Watch RUSSIA”. It didn’t say, ‘Watch the Soviet Union’, but rather “Russia”. Since 1989, the Soviet Union is no more. (Editor: The William Branham Home Page).
Vision Four:
The fourth vision that appeared to him was one in which there was predicted to be tremendous technological advances right after the war. This was symbolized by an egg shaped car with a plastic bubble roof, going down beautiful highways completely under perfect remote control. There was no steering wheel in the car and the occupants of the car appeared to be playing a game like checkers.
PLEASE NOTE: This vehicle is already in existence, and has been for many years, waiting only the systems of highways that can accomadate such a mode of transportation. I have in my files pictures and scientific data concerning this vehicle. (Editor: The William Branham Home Page).
Vision Five:
The fifth scene that appeared involved the womanhood of the world. In this scene there appeared the fast moral decay of women. Starting back when she received her so-called liberty to enter into worldly affairs by means of the vote, she soon began to wear clothes that were too revealing. she bobbed her hair and adopted the clothing of men. Finally the vision showed her all but stripped naked and she merely covered herself with a tiny apron about the size and shape of a fig leaf. With her womanhood so little valued a terrible decay of all flesh came upon the earth and with it perversion even as set forth by the Word of God.
Vision Six:
Then there arose in the United States a most beautiful woman clothed in splendor, and great power was given to her. She was lovely of feature but there was a hardness about her that defied description. Beautiful as she was, she was yet cruel, wicked and cunning. She dominated the land with her authority, she had complete power over the people. The vision indicated that either such a woman would literally arise or that this woman of the vision was merely a type of an organization which is scripturally characterized by a female. Though the voice did not speak out and reveal who she was, he felt in his heart that this woman represented the rising Roman Catholic Church, and he inserted in parenthesis beside at the end of this vision which he had written out, (perhaps the Catholic church).
Vision Seven:
The voice bade him look once more. As he turned and beheld, a great explosion rent the entire land, and left the land of America a smoldering, chaotic ruin. As far as the eye could see there was naught but craters, smoking piles of debris, and no humanity in sight.
The vision then faded away.
Some fine scholars of scripture would warn him that his visions were not inspired of God. He was worried many times about this, and earnestly sought God to let this peculiar ministry pass from him. Yet the visions kept breaking before his eyes and ever coming to pass. No one was harmed by them, but on the contrary the children of God prospered because of them. At this point he had not realized that even Jesus was accused of being of the devil. Neither had he seen that his ministry being identified by astrologers was no different from the time that devils identified Jesus and also the ministry of Paul (Matthew 8:28-29; Acts 16:16-17).
Robert Borders
I have lots of his books and know some of his disciples here in Indiana.
Robert Borders
The headquarters of Voice of Recordings (connected with William Branham) is located in Jeffersonville, IN. The primary phone number is (812) 256-1177 and the website is There is still a congregation of his followers in Jeffersonville who meet weekly to listen to his messages. I visited the headquarters a couple of times and they gave me several free books and I also bought several. I have an old contact number of one his disciples and did leave a phone message. I will update contact information as I receive it. Paul Keith Davis claims to have chatted with Branham during one of his visits to heaven. He is certainly an unusual man who had an extremely powerful anointing if not always an acceptable theology at times. I have also been to the grave of Maria Woodworth Etter in Indianapolis. She was probably the greatest female evangelist in the earlier days of the Pentecostal revival.
Varnel Watson
William Branham shocked the world by ripping the thin veil between science and the supernatural. His ministry did not just bless…in many instances, it terrified.
In Los Angeles, a man with cancer stood in the healing line for hours. While waiting, he witnessed every kind of healing imaginable. However, when it was his turn for prayer the evangelist refused. Indignant, the man demanded to know why. Branham said, “You don’t want me to tell you.” The man was now furious and refused to leave without an answer. “You are sleeping with your secretary,” said the evangelist. With that, the man dropped his head and rushed out of the meeting.
Varnel Watson
Bro. Melvin You’ve mentioned restoring the property of AA Allen in AZ. Can you tell us anything about Branham Tabernacle? Alan N Carla Smith
Thoughts on this?
About the Roman Church: sounds like what the Seventh-Day Adventist Church has been saying for many years
I was thinking: is there really a difference between Fascism and Nazism?
Varnel Watson
I know “fasci” ideology was developed in Italy based on ancient roman glory ideas and Nazi was a pure Himmler invention (not Hitler) but Stan Wayne may know better being a Trump supported and all Volk Vlad
Vlad Stepanov
Interesting read. Could vision 7 be tied to Revelation 18, the city of Babylon?
Vlad Stepanov
Interesting read. Could vision 7 be tied to Revelation 18?
Varnel Watson
Some fine scholars of scripture would warn him that his visions were not inspired of God. He was worried many times about this, and earnestly sought God to let this peculiar ministry pass from him. Yet the visions kept breaking before his eyes and ever coming to pass.
Vlad Stepanov
Yes. I read that. But I’m still curious if there’s a relation between Rev 18 and America. Some scholars believe that the Revelation events are related and will take place mostly in the Middle East.
Varnel Watson
Robert Borders said he knew some of the original people that followed Branham. Maybe he can invite them in the group to share?
Robert Borders
Although not listed here William Branham also had a vision of an earthquake in California that would result in a tidal wave reaching as far east as Kentucky.
Jon Ray
Source pls?
Robert Borders
I heard this from a friend and follower of Brother Branham via phone interview. I need to check with my wife as to written documentation but this statement about his vision was a later one before he died. I have the phone number for the person who told me about this vision if you want it but be prepared for a lengthy conversation!
Jon Ray
Jon Ray
Interesting would this be it? -part of the book Bro. Perry Green put out called “The Acts Of The Prophet.” In this particular section, it outlines some key information regarding the prophecy of the sinking of the West Coast (USA) and Bro. Branham’s warning to leave as quickly as possible
Robert Borders
That sounds like it.
Varnel Watson
Interesting Robert Borders Did we not mention this before?
Varnel Watson
Scotty Searan which 2 would you say are unfulfilled
Scotty Searan
Six and seven are unfulfilled.
Many would William Branham a fanatic/legalist today.
His 5th vision has definitely been fulfilled as well as those preceding
I am not a male chauvinist.
America has not been a Christian nation even though they were found on Judeo/Christian ethics.
There has been some things allowed in the USA that I wonder if they were truly Biblical.
Yes most of us have lived under the western culture where we have given supposedly freedom to the ladies.
But just look at the 5th vision, women began to vote, everybody has a right to vote looks innocent. Wasn’t that basically the same thing Satan told Eve, you have the right to be like God, You have the right to be like the man. You can be equal with man.
But that wasn’t what the HOLY GHOST said through Paul in Ephesians 5 the wife be subject to her husband in everything.
Let’s not try to explain it away theologically the way it has been done in the last 60+ years that I know of.
I am not going to name the other individual items that was mentioned, but I believed they were all sins back in the day William Branham was living and they are today.
I know that is not popular. But everything has happened in the 5th vison.
Yes we have allowed women preachers in the Pentecostal movement, but I wonder if the Baptist wasn’t right. I wonder if we Pentecostals went stubbornly down our way saying the Lord is approving of it. These are question I ask of myself.
My Mother was a preacher.
I was married by a woman minister that I respected and she was old fashioned and she preached some good sermons.
God Has used ladies down through the years, but look at the worldliness that has been manifested through them and the men, like Adam do not stand up to them
Yes ladies do have a sway on the natural man, but when it comes to being a SAINT the man is supposed to be leader and the lady follow.
Now what about the 6th vision. The lady is not the Roman Catholic church perse. But the lady is the church, (LAODICEAN CHURCH). The Beautiful woman will come out of this NEW AGE belief that is even infiltrating the Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements. That is part of the rebellious spirit in our churches, why young will not learn from the elder. The Cancer that started out as a little spot now has spread throughout the body and the men will not stand up and preach the Gospel and admit we have done wrong because the spirit of this age is in the church.
If men preach the true Word Of God now the Pentecostal movements will ostracize them from their organizations.
If men believe the true word of God and repent along with ladies they will operate like the SAINTS in the Bible days. Until then the Pentecostal church will grow in number, but not in the power of GOD.
Varnel Watson
coming soon to e city near you Joe Absher well hold on – already in CA I guess Ray E Horton Jim Price
Ray E Horton
Troy Day Let’s pray that he was wrong about #7. Prophecy is usual warning, and prayer can change things.
Varnel Watson
Ray E Horton that one comes after woman president AND as Ricky Grimsley has said The man was rarely wrong So counts for Perry who put this out yesterday