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Perry has discovered a stunning historic presidential election parallel that could repeat in 2024 with Trump! Don’t forget to Like, Comment, Subscribe, and Share this video! #perrystone #prophecy #mannafest
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yes – it is happening right now Terry Wiles Joseph D. Absher William DeArteaga
William DeArteaga Philip Williams Duane L Burgess Terry Wiles Presidential debate
Five Republicans have qualified for the third 2024 presidential debate set for Wednesday in Miami. They are former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy and South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott. Missing from the debate stage will be North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum and former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson, who both failed to meet the criteria. Former Vice President Mike Pence, who qualified for the first two debates, dropped out of the Republican primary last month. Donald Trump, the front-runner, is skipping the debate as he did the two previous ones. He is slated to host a rally in South Florida as counterprogramming instead.
William DeArteaga Trump Leads in 5 Critical States as Voters Blast Biden
DO you think its TRUE? William DeArteaga Link Hudson Billy Monroe Poff Ben Bottke
Troy Day time will tell…
Billy Monroe Poff soon!
Troy Day – Hi Troy – is it cool if we have a conversation on Facebook Messenger? I’d like to get to know you a little better.
Ben Bottke I dont have msngr installed on my phone sorry
I’ve picked this one up from Link – little privacy could never hurt especially on the vigorously attended political topics but Ive learned to like Trump
Troy Day You don’t use a laptop or a PC?
Link Hudson UNIX with no cam/mic needed – why is this important ? I do not like the idea of how msngr follows and traces your GPS daily
Troy Day Does it trace your location on a laptop?
Does Google GPS already do that? Can’t you turn off the tracing capability and turn it back on when you want to use the ap?
Link Hudson you are asking? you know they record everything but msngs in particular goes into face rec. and so on privates
sure Ben Bottke
Troy Day – what do you mean by “sure”? I thought you didn’t want to use Facebook Messenger. I asked you if there’s a different app or program you use where we could chat 1 on 1, but I don’t see my comment for some reason.
Just as Ross Perot did in 1992, RFK Jr. may get enough third-party votes to prevent the GOP candidate from winning. There are enough anti-Trump independents & Republicans out there to make things very difficult, if not impossible for Trump to win (even in a “clean” race).
Don Baker there will be NO third-party votes this time – not such scenario
Don Baker I wouldn’t put it past the Third Party candidate to go into the election to try to upset it for Trump just like parody for Bush. One theory is that Parot did that just keep us from being president again. but so many people are concerned about Biden’s condition and performance that it may be that RFK Jr could actually spoil it for Biden. Too bad about his voice or ge could be a nominee. I would like to see two reasonable nominees from both parties and the superficial stiff is important to get elected.
Link Hudson has called for double ticket Don Baker but so far is a NO GO
Troy Day I’m not ‘calling for it.’ It’s still early yet. But there is a Green Party candidate on the left.
Troy Day The only way it will happen as you describe is if RFK Jr is forbidden to be listed on states’ ballots. And since we began this discussion, Jill Stein announced she will once again run for president as the Green Party candidate. In 2016, Hillary supporters were very angry that Stein ran then, claiming that Stein siphoned enough votes from Clinton in certain states to allow Trump to win.
Don Baker I dont see it happening this time. And there is NOT enough time as well I read something on the internet by Link Hudson about joining votes but that was a fake prophecy and the FL guy aint doing well anyways
Troy Day prophecy about votes from me? What are you talking about? Suggestions even predictions aren’t all prophecies in the Biblical sense.
I recall saying I wouldn’t be surprised if someone stepped forward to be a third-party candidate if Trump gets the nomination but I’m not prophesying it. I just wouldn’t be surprised if he got Parot’ed, or if someone tried. He’s got money. would it be legal for Trump to find the green party ads if he were running Republican?
there was some post where you said
Trump-Desantis Ticket Possible?
but I cant find it on the internet anymore
May have been deleted – who can tell ?
But you need to be careful crying wolf every time
when I speak the truth – we all live digital trail and
sooner or later it comes out in the open
Disney claims it was worth $40 billion and 263,000 jobs to Florida—before DeSantis’ district took over HE aint getting the FL or the latino vote like he was hoping – and his NY/NJ backup aint working either
Yes, it’s getting more complicated. Jill Stein is running – once again – as Green Party candidate. She siphoned votes from Hillary in 2016.
Some Dems are very upset w/her; but other Dems are becoming more vocal at hinting Biden needs to drop out. Me, I’m making more popcorn.
Link Hudson early? Elections ALREADY started my brother
same here – this groups knows well
did not support him vs Killary
loved his gas prices and how WELL it did to our economy
hated how they stole the elections
Fred Leon Stewart Philip Williams Link Hudson Terry Wiles Neil Steven Lawrence Nelson Banuchi Peter Vandever Joseph D. Absher Brett Dobbs Duane L Burgess
Troy Day //hated how they stole the elections//
Elections were not stolen. That’s just plain nonsense… and that’s all I’m gonna say about it, nothing more.
Nelson Banuchi you cannot know this 100% in any given way
Troy Day probably not, but considering all the liars out there on the right who have left their brains in the Trump Temple, I think it more likely than not… like 95%…
Nelson Banuchi 95% deep within you doubt what you said and sincerely hope I was wrong – but yet we know the truth of the whole story
Troy Day Clarification, I’m 95% I’m sure “deep within” that last election was fair and legal. Trump is, besides being an idiot with no common sense, a true fascist… take your pick; and to vote for him would really destroy our democracy and America as a country, in general. He’s our #1 security threat. I’m not voting for him (nor for the current POTUS) If he’s POTUS again, I guess we’ll be deserving of troubles we’ll get.
(BTW, IMO, vote for him and we will be heading towards the persecution of Christians and Jews sooner than expected.)
Nelson Banuchi 95% deep within you doubt what you said sincerely
Troy Day just know, if you’re a hardcore Trump supporter, that when they start lining up the Christians for the firing squad, I won’t be one of the ones standing with you behind Trump. I plan to be be on the line up for my bullet…
Nelson Banuchi I am NO hardcore Trump supporter Terry Wiles knows that but I did like how gas prices regulated down all other prices AND I saw the elections stolen NOT 1st time in American history
Troy Day oh, so you’re the guy hiding all the evidence!
Nelson Banuchi not sure who is YOU guys
I am not Trump supporter – just stating the obvious
Not a political commentator like William DeArteaga either
Nelson Banuchi
Watch 2000 Mules documentary 
Neil Steven Lawrence There’s no denying that there is fraud in elections, every election, but not enough fraud (which are eventually discovered) to overturn the election. And I’ve learned not to trust anyone who supports Trump (who lies like a rug) as I’ve soon discovered in past research that they fiddle with the facts, if not lie outright… GOP has become not much different from the Dems in that respect and, possibly, has become more of an immediate threat to our democracy.
But, thanks, anyway.
Mules is a dem right? Neil Steven Lawrence Philip Williams
Troy Day yep the Dems are stubborn Mule’s.
But in this case a mule is somebody who carries rigged mail-in ballots in the middle of the night to illegal drop boxes.
They are illegal because the scheme was dreamed up by Dems to thwart genuine elections. 
Did you see Dinesh Desousa’s 2000 mules documentary?
The amount of rigging shown in just that  documentary was enough to throw the election in basement Biden’s favor.  Nelson Banuchi
Nelson Banuchi
Fake fact checkers. The leftist media will give “useful idiots” whatever they want to believe. 
Just two points prove Trump really won.
1. No president who has won has failed to win all 19 bellwether counties – ever! (Trump won 18 of the 19 even with all the rigging.)
2. No one has won the presidential election without winning Florida and Ohio. Trump won both. 
If you really want evidence, you should look up the wall chart made by Epoch Times showing all the evidence of rigging. Much of that is what the court cases the Trump people brought. Yet the deep state in-justice department, including the Supreme Court, turned all the evidence away. That to me is one of the most scary things that has ever happened in our country. The Broken in-justice department put their seal of approval on the worst and widespread rigged election in US history! 
Nelson Banuchi
Neil Steven Lawrence Well, I didn’t vote for Trump in 2016 or 2020 (nor the other guy), so I’m…
Nelson Banuchi what!?… laying in a fallen earthly paradise in a suit on the beach? 
Neil Steven Lawrence but Nelson Banuchi is postTrib and Kyle Williams is a-mil and for them the world is becoming more dem-Christian …
started LONG before OBAMA Neil Steven Lawrence Ben Bottke Nelson Banuchi
Ricky Grimsley Isara Mo
The decision by Colorado’s Supreme Court Tuesday to remove former President Donald Trump from the state’s 2024 ballot is ‘unassailable,’ according to former federal appellate judge and prominent conservative J. Michael Luttig.
Donald Trump is now facing the very firestorm he worked so hard to avoid, a seemingly endless barrage of legal challenges to his candidacy for president in the 2024 election. Georgia was the first state to take him to court, and Colorado is the first state to bar him from the ballot. From today unto the end of 2024, Donald Trump will be tied up in substantial legal trouble. It would take a near miracle to extricate him from all that.
“For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same:” Romans 13:3 (KJB)
I believe the ultimate goal of the attacks by the Deep State on Trump is to try and force a Civil War, get his MAGA followers to flip out when he is not allowed on enough ballots to prevent his successful bid for the presidency. 2024 is quickly shaping up to be a very scary year.
Colorado Supreme Court removes Trump from 2024 ballot
FROM CNN: Luttig, who holds bona fide conservative credentials with longstanding ties to the Supreme Court, has been an outspoken critic of Trump and has – along with liberal law professor Laurence Tribe – advocated for the use of the 14th amendment to bar the former president from running for office.
“The individual justices of the Colorado Supreme Court brought honor to their court as well to the state and federal judiciaries with their opinion tonight in this historic case,” Luttig told CNN’s Pamela Brown on “AC360” Tuesday, describing their “meticulous” efforts to address all the issues involved in the case. “Their opinion is unassailable under the objective law of the federal constitution and section 3 of the 14th Amendment. The Supreme Court of the United States ought to affirm this decision today,” he added.
The former judge pushed back on arguments against the strength of the Colorado case – which have pointed at several similar cases that have failed – arguing instead that the Colorado Supreme Court is the first “appellate court in any state, to rule on the applicability of section 3 to the former president. The other cases that have been decided have been decided on state law grounds and/or jurisdictional grounds. So this case stands alone.”
Luttig also challenged the opinion penned by one of the three dissenters on the seven-member Colorado Supreme Court who said he would have dismissed the challenge to Trump’s eligibility.
“I called it unassailable because, as you noted, the preeminent constitutional scholar of our time, Professor Laurence Tribe, and I have been studying this for three years now in the wake of January 6th. Professor Tribe has been studying section 3 of the 14th Amendment literally for his entire career. So, when we say…that the opinion is unassailable, that means he and I have taken into account every single argument contrary to every point made by the court today and concluding all of the contrary evidence to the opinion tonight – and it is unassailable,” Luttig said.
He added that the US Supreme Court will “have to decide what the meaning of an insurrection or rebellion is for purposes of the 14th Amendment. And that’s what the Supreme Court of Colorado did today, and its reasoning and its support for that conclusion is also unassailable.”
Turmoil and more turmoil