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| PentecostalTheology.comSermon for Sunday, January 6, 2019. This is the 221st sermon preached in English on, by Missionary Evangelist Robert Breaker, in which he shows from the Bible how God works with the number 70, and he asks if the rapture of the Church could come in 2019, during the 70th year anniversary of the nation of Israel? He also speaks about how the Jews have already dedicated their altar in Jerusalem on Dec. 10th, 2018 (during the last day of their feast of Hannukuh), and how they are ready to rebuild their temple!
Varnel Watson
Alan Smith NOW Link Hudson can properly calculate his date of appointment as general supervising moderator using this simple DIY step-by-step video ๐
Tom Steele
Well, Troy Day, you might not like it but my position is very simple. I don’t care whether or not there will be a rapture and if there is one whether it will be before, during, or after a tribulation period. None of it will matter if people are not right with God when whatever IS going to happen actually DOES happen.
Varnel Watson
now that’s not very rod parsley of you is it?
Tom Steele
Oh well
Nora Neel-Toney
The Bible plainly says no one knows the day or the hour. However there are signs all around us telling us that the time is drawing near
Nathaniel Rodriguez
No rapture, no tribulation, no tribulation, no millennium….but many hope in the rapture because they don’t want to miss the big marriage feast.
Varnel Watson
yes rapture, yes tribulation, yes tribulation, yes millennium
Nickelle Frederick
The Bible does say NO one not even the Son knows the day or the hour; however between the signs in the heavens and the chaos on the earth; I would be jumping for joy if God indeed said โNowโ. I get sick to my stomach hearing about what people are doing and how the natural disasters are killing more and more people. But it just points me to Jesus! What a day it will be!
Pastor Zibula
Its unbelievable and shocked because its a secret of the no one wil know the day of rapture even Jesus does’t know.
Varnel Watson
hey Link Hudson this guy uses 1 Cor 15 to prove pre-trib rapture. Took it right under you and run with it all the way ๐
Link Hudson
47 minutes? give me a minute marker. I don’t have that much time.
Kenneth W Phelps
right Brother NO Man Knows The Time Or Date Not Even JESUS So who else would GOD Tell Not Any Man Or Seceret Code So Dont Be A False Prophet and Be Put In With The Rest Of The ones Who Have Put Dates On His Return And Where Are They Now Some Are Still Here And Som Have Met their Fate Looking like A Fool
Kenneth W Phelps
the rapture is going to happen just dont Know When
Kenneth Staples
I believe this event took place during the age of the people involved. He was speaking to the people contemporary with Him.
Marius Mateescu
It’s a good thing he didn’t set a date
Varnel Watson
or so his said under the title 2019 ๐
Varnel Watson
Tom Steele is it true the altar has been dedicated?
Tom Steele
Honestly, I haven’t paid that close of attention lately. I was hearing chatter about it, but haven’t even thought to look. Apparently there were at least plans in place to do it back during Hanukkah.
Varnel Watson
there’re several videos on youtube if you search that APPEAR to be some altar with fire and sacrifice in Jerusalem, but in all honesty I cannot say if its for real