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This email is to invite you to the 16th Annual Azusa Lecture, on Tuesday, November 9. Dr. Dale M. Coulter will present “The Azusa Street Revival and William Seymour’s Pentecostal Vision” at 7:00 p.m. in North Cleveland Church of God’s Dixon Chapel. In addition to serving as Professor of Historical Theology at Pentecostal Theological Seminary, Dr. Coulter is a Church of God Ordained Bishop and a significant leader in Pentecostal scholarship through his teaching, writing, and participation in numerous dialogs and consultations. He has served as president of the Society for Pentecostal Studies and editor of Pneuma: The Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies. Among his publications is Holiness: The Beauty of Perfection (Pathway Press).
Following Dr. Coulter’s address, we will honor Dr. Estrelda Alexander with the Spirit of Azusa Award and a reception. Dr. Alexander is an Ordained Minister in the Church of God and currently serves as President of William Joseph Seymour Foundation and Editor-in-Chief of Seymour Press. Her books include Black Fire: 100 Years of African American Pentecostalism and Women of Azusa Street. Like William J. Seymour, she has been an ambassador of the gospel and led with distinction.
The Dixon Pentecostal Research Center launched the annual Azusa Lecture in 2006 on the occasion of the centennial of the revival at the Azusa Street Mission in Los Angeles. The purpose of the lecture is to celebrate the rich heritage of the Pentecostal Movement as we fulfill our mission to “tell the next generation about the glorious deeds of the Lord. We will tell of His power and the mighty miracles He did” (Psalm 78:4 NLT). Founded by Church of God Historian Charles W. Conn in 1971, the Dixon Pentecostal Research Center is one of the world’s significant collections of Pentecostal resources as well as the archives of the Church of God.
If you are unable to be with us in person, you may view online at or This will be an exceptional opportunity to hear an inspiring voice and to honor the scholarship and ministry of Dr. Alexander.
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