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Sermon given by Win Worley. © WRW Publications.
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Let me begin by making it clear that this commentary is written from the viewpoint of a pre-tribulation and pre-millennial position as they relate to future prophecy.
To clarify: A pre-tribulation view holds that the Rapture (removal) of the True, Christ-worshipping and honoring Church will take place prior to the events of the 70th week of Daniel (Tribulation, Time of Jacob’s Trouble). The events related to this 7-year period are described beginning in Chapter 4, verse 1 of the Book of Revelation, and end with the physical return of Jesus Christ to the earth that is described in Revelation 19:11-16.
A pre-millennial view holds that there will be a literal period of one thousand years following the physical return of Jesus Christ, where He will literally/physically rule and reign over the earth and all those who survive the judgments of the Tribulation (but have received Jesus as Savior during that time). Those saved people will enter this period as redeemed individuals but who are still “in the flesh” and who still live with a sin nature, as do redeemed individuals at the present time. They will serve to repopulate the earth. This is described in the Book of Revelation, Chapter 20, V1-6.
Those who enter the Millennial Kingdom will only be those who have received Jesus Christ (sheep). Unbelieving, Christ-rejecting individuals will be cast into eternal punishment (goats). This judgment (commonly referred to as the “sheep and goat judgment”) is described in the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 25, V31-46.
In sound biblical hermeneutics & exegesis there is no allegorizing, no spiritualizing and no replacement theology.
It has been wisely said, do not present your eschatology until you master Zechariah.
God has one Redeemed people, but He deals with the saints in various ways from generation to generation.
God also has unique distinctions for ethnic national Israel and for the Church.
The Church is not, in any way, Israel.
The Church has dealt with error from its beginning, 2000 years ago.
The churches got some things wrong and some things right.
Paul would establish local churches, then he would turn around and issue correction and even rebuke.
The Church fathers got some things wrong and some things right.
Premillennial eschatology is taught in Scripture and was believed in the early Church (Chiliasm).
The Pretribulational Rapture is taught in Scripture and was believed in the early Church.
The Church has mistakenly been moving away from sound biblical eschatology since the first century.
Amillennial and Post Millennial beliefs have no exegetical biblical support.
There is no biblical or historical fulfillment yet of Daniel’s 70th week. God has future plans for ethnic national Israel, to purge and cleanse that people in great tribulation, her time of Jacob’s trouble.
To get prophecy and Scripture right we must embrace God’s unique distinctions for ethnic national Israel and for the Church.