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- Soul winning
- Street preaching
- Door to door evangelism
- Mobile healing stations for prayer for the sick
- Intentional dedication to spiritual warfare and demon deliverance ministry
- Organized social protests and stands against evil politics
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Varnel Watson
follow the steps Link Hudson #WWJD
Scotty Searan
We follow as the Holy Ghost leads us. No one goes down the same path
Varnel Watson
of course they do – the path is called JESUS!
Scotty Searan
Troy Day Jesus gives us all unique assignments
Varnel Watson
what does any of this have to do with OP?
Scotty Searan
Troy Day What God gives to one to be more Pentecostal may be profitable for that person
But it may not be profitable for everyone
Varnel Watson
Socialism is not prophetabel to Pentecost
Scotty Searan
Troy Day Evidently it was because it was in the 2nd and 4th chapter of Acts. I have asked you for a better word to describe it, yet you won’t show me that courtesy to do that. But yet I am called a heretic.
Varnel Watson
You were called heretic by Terry Wiles about the Trinity I dont have a better word to describe socialism It is what it is
Scotty Searan
Troy Day What was in the 2nd and 4th chapter of Acts that all the people were doing? I don’t like the word socialism because it has been poisoned in our society.
Just like the word “Gay” has been poisoned in our society. Gay used to mean being happy or joyful or good.
Varnel Watson
What ever they were doing created a major problem for the church in Acts 6 and God tore it apart through persecution in Acts 7-8 It was bounding the church down to serving tables and not the Word The apostles said so
Scotty Searan
Troy Day I will agree partially.
You are adding, because no where did it say that what was going on was binding to the church as a whole.
It was binding on the Disciples (Apostles) and that it why the first deacons being chosen.
The Apostle did not say it was binding on the church.
Satan entered into Jews because they hated Jesus and the Apostles the persecution came. God did not cause it. Jesus had already told the Apostles they would be persecuted because the servant is not above the Master.
The persecution began at the cross by the Jews.
God allowed it, but did not cause it.
The Jews was jealous of the deep love the people had for Jesus Christ that they were selling all they had and the Christians was in total unity because they had heard Jesus teach while He was on this earth. The Jews were blinded by Satan and causing the persecution not God.
GOD wants unity, God wants us to believe the same thing. Listen to what Apostle Paul states in 1 Corinthians 1:10 Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and thatthere be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment
I am not saying who is right or wrong.
Just look at this group at the divisions in it much less the church
Varnel Watson
Soul winning
Street preaching
Door to door evangelism
Mobile healing stations for prayer for the sick William DeArteaga
Intentional dedication to spiritual warfare and demon deliverance ministry Robert Borders
Organized social protests and stands against evil politics
Mass healing and deliverance services
24-hour open altar calls at public places
Church growth that surpasses all natural strategies and enters supernatural church multiplication by the Spirit
Rededication to last-days revival to complete the Great Commission