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Dr. Kenneth J. Archer:
A Pentecostal egalitarian view of humanity
Dr. Terry Cross:
The Doctrine of Healing
Dr. Paul King:
John A. MacMillan Regarding the Authority of the Believer
Dr. Amos Yong:
Pentecostal pastors and scholars to President Trump
Dr. Jon Ruthven:
Carl Barth and the Cessation of the Charismata
Dr. Andrew Gabriel:
Why is Joel Osteen’s Megachurch Still Growing?
Dr. Harold Hunter:
The Forgotten Roots of the Azusa Street Revival
Dr. Vinson Synan:
Do all Pentecostals trace their roots to Azusa?
Dr. Donald W. Dayton:
Doctrine of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit
Dr. William DeArteaga:
Agnes Sanford and her Companions
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A good Bibliography in Pentecostal/Charismatic Theology
History Bartleman Frank Azusa Street (Bridge Publishing NJ. 1980) Dayton Donald. Theological Roots of Pentecostalism (Hendrickson Publishers, Peabody Mass, 1994)
The Largest and Most Complete Bibliography on the Pentecostal Charismatic Movement
Albrecht, Daniel E. Rites in the Spirit: A Ritual Approach to Pentecostal/Charismatic Spirituality. Journal of Pentecostal Theology Supplement Series 17. Sheffield, UK: Sheffield
Pentecostalism: Advanced Information
Pentecostalism is an evangelical charismatic reformation movement which usually traces its roots to an outbreak of tongue – speaking in Topeka, Kansas, in 1901
The gift of tongues in relation to prayer
Is there anyone here that can direct me to a good, theologically based with good Scripture references and exegesis of the texts
A Complete List of Theological Schools, Colleges and Seminaries for Pentecostal Students and Scholars
Complete List of Pentecostal Theological Schools, Colleges and Seminaries with their full addresses, contact information, social media profiles and average cost per credit hour
Varnel Watson
Joseph Kidwell Daniel Rushing With over 20 politically loaded topics that I just counted in the program (there is probably many more) it is still quite surprising SPS dos not have political theology yet. Wonder why?
2. Recent political, economic, and social events, from immigration issues coming to the fore in the Brexit vote and the USA presidential election to relentless terrorist attacks across national borders
3. Christian Ethics—Panel Discussion: “Pentecostalism and Trump’s America”
4. Decolonizing Identity Politics
5. London School of Theology, “A Task for the Anointing: Human Flourishing From a Pentecostal Perspective in the Trumpian Epoch
6. Identity/Politics: Jean-Luc Nancy and the Falleness of identity
7. A Wesleyan Means of Moral and Political Formation
8. Boundaries are not Borders – A Narrative Exploration of Immigration
9. “Borders, Habitations, Foreigners, and Strangers: Mary Bosanquet Fletcher’s Metaphors for an Expanding and Inclusive Gospel Ministry from the Margins”
10. Human Right Versus Human Rights
11. Keynote Address: “Breaking Borders & Boundaries Through Technology in a Digital Age,”
12. Are some borders necessary to the establishment of the kingdom of God? If so, what are they?
13. Are there borders which should separate Christians from people of other faiths?
14. Constructing Borders of Legitimacy and the Assimilation of Ethnics
15. Beyond Borders: A Relationship of Love with a Syrian Refugee Family
16. Complementarianism: Borders in Bodies
17. Segregation and Real-Estate Covenants in Kansas City
18. The Joseph Dilemma: Spiritual Advisers and the Burden of Political Access
19. By My Spirit: Divine and Human Agency in the Transformation of Sociopolitical Realities
20. Defending Borders & Godly Nationalism
Michael Ellis Carter Jr. recently asked: Who are some of the Pentecostal theologians and/or pastors that you would consider most influential today? It seems as if there is becoming such a large gulf between consensus of doctrines and ideas. Honesty, Howard Carter may be the last real revelation that belongs to the flowing. Thoughts?
This is a NON essential TOP 10 since Ellis did not specify
dead or alive – black or white AS if it matters (it does matter actually )
I’;d be considering this one too Isara Mo Rasiah Thomas Ricky Grimsley
yes MANY of them are or were in our group at 1 point or another Peter Vandever was writing a book on ACTS but never finished or published No publication on revelation either but still looking
Troy DayHoward Carter who wrote about the gifts?
Roscoe Barnes III yes that’s the Howard Carter I was referring too.
Troy Day thanks for sharing I should have specified alive
. I think we have more debate about topics than consensus and acceptance these days. Pentecostalism is so splintered that it appears that we can’t agree on who we should consider pioneers of the faith at the moment.
We may suggest that will not going to help our eternal salvation.
SOME major topics to consider in 2023 within Pentecostal theology William DeArteaga Philip Williams Dale M. Coulter Tony Richie
With over 20 politically loaded topics that I just counted in the program (there is probably many more) it is still quite surprising SPS dos not have political theology yet. Wonder why?
2. Recent political, economic, and social events, from immigration issues coming to the fore in the Brexit vote and the USA presidential election to relentless terrorist attacks across national borders
3. Christian Ethics—Panel Discussion: “Pentecostalism and Trump’s America”
4. Decolonizing Identity Politics
5. London School of Theology, “A Task for the Anointing: Human Flourishing From a Pentecostal Perspective in the Trumpian Epoch
6. Identity/Politics: Jean-Luc Nancy and the Falleness of identity
7. A Wesleyan Means of Moral and Political Formation
8. Boundaries are not Borders – A Narrative Exploration of Immigration
9. “Borders, Habitations, Foreigners, and Strangers: Mary Bosanquet Fletcher’s Metaphors for an Expanding and Inclusive Gospel Ministry from the Margins”
10. Human Right Versus Human Rights
11. Keynote Address: “Breaking Borders & Boundaries Through Technology in a Digital Age,”
12. Are some borders necessary to the establishment of the kingdom of God? If so, what are they?
13. Are there borders which should separate Christians from people of other faiths?
14. Constructing Borders of Legitimacy and the Assimilation of Ethnics
15. Beyond Borders: A Relationship of Love with a Syrian Refugee Family
16. Complementarianism: Borders in Bodies
17. Segregation and Real-Estate Covenants in Kansas City
18. The Joseph Dilemma: Spiritual Advisers and the Burden of Political Access
19. By My Spirit: Divine and Human Agency in the Transformation of Sociopolitical Realities
20. Defending Borders & Godly Nationalism
Wangure’s Reflections Duane L Burgess Bishop Gerishon Njoroge
NO I am not fond of @everyone here Elving Ellis but do pick your TOP 3 and we can put them for discussion with Dale M. Coulter William DeArteaga Tony Richie AND letS NOT forget the other side of the world too
First 3 Alive
Dr. Don Paul Gray former JSBC President
Dr. David Watts JSBC recruitment officer
Dr. Josh McDowell apologist author
Those who went to heaven: Dr. Myer Pearlman.
Dr. Stanley M Horton
Dr. R. A. Torrey
This is all I have time for the moment.

Elving Ellis nice list but missing quite a few
Egalitarian is heresy! Do not be deceived. Just another example of how Pentecostalism is an aberration in biblical Christianity.
Duane L Burgess what Egalitarian?
Duane L Burgess The ground is level at the foot of the cross. No person is loved or more valued by God than anyone else. Racism, discrimination, and bias is heresy. I’ll say no more.
Duane L Burgess Please expand on your opinion and definition.
Margaret English de Alminana Racism, discrimination, and bias is heresy. ??? Come one – according to who? Certainly NOT according to the BIBLE if we read it honestly… Perhaps heresy per the western church? Philip Williams has claimed to be babylon the great?
Troy Day I don’t have a religious interpretation of Mystery Babylon. Rather, it’s the present money-driven world, a matter of far more relevance.
These things are anchored in hate, which is opposed to agape. We are called to lay down our lives. These social evils lift one person above another for the sake of power and privilege. The least is greatest in the kingdom. Generally, I avoid such contentious discussions, but, really? Now we call evil good and good evil, hatred godly? Please…