10 more easy Bible questions from ACTS 2 you just can’t answer

10 more easy Bible questions from ACTS 2 you just can’t answer

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1. What’s going to happen to the disciples?
2. What did this outpouring mean?
3. Who was this outpouring for?
4. Why does the chapter start with the coming of the Holy Spirit that then results in a breakout of tongues
5. Is the difference that in Genesis it was meant to hinder those in that passage as to where in Acts it is meant to empower and encourage those in the house
6. Why does Peter feel the need to speak from Joel?
7. How did this even impact the disciples?
8. Why did the Holy Spirit, in its initial arrival, manifest into tongues of fire?
9. What is the significance of the Holy Spirit coming on the day of Pentecost
10. How did this event encourage those watching and listening to convert to Christianity?


  • Reply June 25, 2020

    Duane L Burgess

    why do you think these questions cannot be answered, and what do the have to do with the end times?

    • Reply June 26, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      cause I dont see you answering them

  • Reply June 25, 2020

    James C. Morris


    • Reply June 26, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      lame answer shows lack of any answers

  • Reply June 25, 2020

    RichardAnna Boyce

    I have my own 30 questions with answers 🙂 ACTS
    1. Who is it written to?
    Jews who had come from 20klm radius to feast of Pentecost.

    2. What 4 facets of life in early Jewish church?
    Acts 2:42
    The apostles’ doctrine (the authoritative teaching conveyed by the Lord Jesus, confirmed by the wonder-working ability granted to them by the Father, and superintended by the Holy Spirit); fellowship (the uncoerced communal sharing of material possessions and the disposition that undergirded it); the breaking of bread (cf. Luke 22:19; 24:30; Acts 2:46; 20:7; 11; 27:35), which references the Lord’s Supper and potentially other meals enjoyed in communion with each other (see Acts 27:35 for a potential exception); and prayers (petitions to the Father in line with the Lord’s teaching (cf. Luke 11:1-13; 18:1-8) and OT prayer customs still associated with the temple (cf. Luke 24:50-53; Acts 3:1). The exemplary picture of the early church portrays the ideal interadvent interaction for the Church as well as kingdom values for Israel—if they would choose to believe in Jesus and repent on a national scale.
    Was it written to the Church, or Israel?
    Israel, as no record of and Gentiles present, only Jews.

    4. How would Israel be given grace to manifest these 4 facets of Kingdom life? Repent as a body of Jewish generation who had murdered God; as preparation to believe in Jesus as their personal Messiah; but not as a condition of believing.
    5. How had these Jews differed from the rest of the nation of Israel in their belief?
    Acts 2:43 These new believers had now taken a stand apart from the nation and associated themselves publicly with the Savior.

    6. What was the consequence of their belief?
    Acts 2:43 As a consequence of their sanctified community life fear came upon every soul—a healthy recognition of God’s working in their midst.

    7. What identified them with the Lord Jesus Christ?
    Acts 2:43 In a perfect complement wonders and signs done by the apostles served as God’s continued imprimatur on the Church. The miracles identified them with the Lord Jesus Christ—especially with His compassion, authority, and power.

    8. How did God react?
    Acts 2:43 The continued enablement given to them by God also showed His favor and approval of their ministry and message.

    9. What was the first result of this new community being unified around Jesus?
    Acts 2:44 A new community of believers had now been unified around the Lord Jesus and indwelt by the Holy Spirit, and were freely sharing their material possessions.

    10. What motivated them to freely share?
    Acts 2:45 The community of the believers did not force each other through innuendo or guilt provoking manipulation.

    11. What possessions did they freely share?
    Acts 2:45 Freely and without abusive pressure they sold their possessions (a reference to land real estate) and goods (possessions in general).

    12. Where else in the NT did this happen also?
    Acts 2:45 only here and Heb 10:34

    13. Who received these possessions?
    Acts 2:45 They were divided them among all, as anyone had need.

    14. What had caused this need?
    Acts 2:45 3000 Jews got converted at Pentecost festival and decided not to go home (up to 20 miles away) but to stay and be disciple. Necessity called forth heartfelt compassion from those who belonged to Christ and had learned from Him, to meet their needs for accommodation food etc.

    15. Where were these 3000 discipled?
    Acts 2:46 At this point they still congregated daily with one accord in the temple.

    16. How was this a witness to unbelievers?
    A gathering that permitted a public testimony to those in Jerusalem.

    17. How else did they witness their community?
    Acts 2:46 In addition they participated in breaking bread from house to house.

    18. What did this represent?
    Acts 2:46 Partaking in the intimate communion that focused on the Lord Jesus, His death, and His return to once again partake with them (cf. Luke 22:14-20).

    19. How did this private communion affect their community life?
    Acts 2:46 Thus the Supper entailed both reminiscence and anticipation of Jesus all in the contexts of sharing with and loving each other.

    20. How can you put this in practice in your own life?
    I was born in a rich country and prophesied that I would share my resources with fellow believers in Philippines.
    21. I married a Filipina who in turn was prophesied she would be a financial blessing to Philippine churches
    22. We decided to live amongst the ‘poor’ in Monkayo.
    23. When neighbours ask for money for pharmacy or hospital, or for demonic deliverance, we have communion with them; explaining the Gospel and Isaiah prophesying Jesus died for our sickness (bread) and our sin (cup).
    24. Most of them are Catholic and believe there is healing in the Mass.
    25. We share our home with young pastors, helping to equip them in ministry, starting a church in our home.

    26. How did locals react?
    Acts 2:47 They praised God and experienced favor with all the people (mirroring the Savior’s
    own early life as recorded in Luke 2:40,52).

    27. What is Luke’s progress report?
    Acts 2:47
    The Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved.
    28. How does this passage link with the next?
    Acts 2:47
    As a transitional conclusion to this passage and introduction to the next (3:1-6:7) it validates the Church and the apostles as the agents God now worked with vis-à-vis the religious leaders in Jerusalem.
    29. How did they get closer to God and each other?
    Acts 2:47
    Thus the early Jewish believers in Jesus departed from the misguided religion of their day, worshiped God in the same temple, and experienced sincere fellowship with God and with each other.
    30. Was the church persecuted yet?
    Acts 2:47
    Thus far the early church enjoyed a thoroughly positive experience.

    • Reply June 26, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      you still need to repent to get saved

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