Trump in Reach of Evangelicals

Trump in Overdrive To Reach Evangelicals

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Axios noted that Trump got 81% of the evangelical vote in 2016, and the evangelical community is close to 25% of the entire American electorate. A campaign advisor told Axios, “There is a significant evangelical outreach effort. It’s going to be state specific. It’s going to exist in important battleground states and focus on churches and areas where we can have an impact. African American outreach will be a component of that. … It’s robust, and it will be well-funded.”

A campaign official stated to Axios, “In 2016, it was more of a surrogate driven, PR-driven type thing. This is about finding voters. That’s why a lot of our efforts are going toward collecting data at rallies, collecting data over peer-to-peer texting, and collecting data within our coalition groups.”

An RNC official added that the RNC is querying members of Congress and leaders of church communities as to how to reach the huge evangelical community. Axios reported that the RNC will feature “signature Trump Victory Leadership Institute (TVLI) training” at faith-based events around the nation.

A Pew Research poll from mid-March found a whopping 69% of evangelical voters thought Trump was doing a good job as president.

In mid-June, Ralph Reed, head of the Faith and Freedom Coalition, said 2020 would see the “most ambitious and far-reaching voter mobilization effort” in the evangelical community’s history, as The Washington Times reported. He stated that plans called for the registration of 1 million evangelical voters, as volunteers knocked on 3 million doors and placed literature in over 117,000 churches in key states. He hoped around 30 million people would be contacted.

As reported in April, evangelicals have moved even more strongly toward President Trump since 2016:

Exit polls showed that 75 percent cast their ballots for Republican candidates. That number includes evangelicals of all ages, but surveys taken shortly before the election showed that 78 percent of white evangelicals ages 18 to 29 identified as Republican. “Did we see white evangelicals moving toward the middle of the political spectrum in 2018? “Clearly no,” says Ryan Burge, a political scientist at Eastern Illinois University (and a Baptist minister). “White evangelicals are more Republican now than they were two years ago.”

Burge, noting that the percentage of evangelicals in 45 states rose between 2000 and 2010, posited that the rise came from two sources: Latino evangelicals, whose numbers soared in Arizona, Florida, Maryland and Ohio, and the concomitant move by leftists congregating in big cities such as New York, Philadelphia and Chicago.

In May, White House spokesman Hogan Gidley commented on the closeness evangelicals felt for Trump, saying, “I think there’s a mutual respect. I think they have a good relationship because of the fact that he has delivered on the promises he made during the campaign.”

In addition, three powerful members of Trump’s administration are evangelicals: Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos and former press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders.


  • Reply July 15, 2019

    Philip Williams

    Is there suppose to be some content with that headline?

  • Reply July 15, 2019

    RichardAnna Boyce

    It’s going to exist in important battleground states and focus on churches and areas where he can have an impact. African American outreach will be a component of that. … It’s robust, and it will be well-funded; maybe he will pay them to go back to the country of their ancestors and evangelise there?

  • Reply July 15, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    not again please Philip Williams its a pretty good article do you need me to copy it here for you so you can read it?

  • Reply July 15, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    Robert Erwine Nelson Banuchi it is STILL my opinion that MEMBERS OF TRUMP’S EVANGELICAL BOARD SHOULD QUIT BUT WON’T

  • Reply July 15, 2019

    RichardAnna Boyce

    This part of ABC’s reporting on the issue. ABC is funded by Australian AOG PM’s government (USA’s best friend in the world, at the moment) and shortly to join Trump for a teaparty at the White House. …………”This is hardly the first time Mr Trump has made racist comments.

    His political profile was built in part by telling Americans that Barack Obama was not born in the United States.

    In his 2015 campaign announcement, Mr Trump referred to Mexican immigrants as rapists and drug dealers.

    As President, he made a point of saying there were some “very fine people” in a crowd of white nationalists after the actions of one left a woman dead and dozens injured.

    But on all those occasions, Mr Trump was criticised by his own party for going too far.

    Republican senator Lindsey Graham backed the substance of the President’s comments, but suggested tackling policy issues would be a better approach.”

  • Reply July 16, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    Robert Erwine has said some things we cant agree with but calling on Christian character and witness has not been one of them Our witness is GONE Just this week Vice President Mike Pence’s defense of his administration’s detention camps was criticized so heavily on Saturday that the hashtag #FakeChristian trended nationwide on Twitter.

    • Reply July 16, 2019

      Philip Williams

      Troy Day maybe you critics ought to join a combat battalion on a mission fighting ISIS to instruct them on the Christian way of doing that job. Of course, also the police in gang filled neighborhoods.

      These were appointed by God to address a world that does not fear God. When you give your opinion about how these things should or should not be done, you have already entered politics, that is the world. You are just as guilty as those you criticize for being on Trump’s evangelical council.

    • Reply July 16, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      Philip Williams I think its combined It’s not a single topic National politics is a complex subject But I still DONT understand how Jentzen can say this today and that tomorrow same as Brown’s political flips?

    • Reply July 16, 2019

      Philip Williams

      Troy Day very interesting that all these preachers love working and hobnobbing with politicians, but they will not work with one another, or even hold one another accountable so that the church might become a light to a dark world. They don’t have God or his people in their hearts in own their minds. They have themselves in their hearts and on their minds.

    • Reply July 16, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      Philip Williams I dont really KNOW about that Jentzen certainly not so Brown – you know better BUT there is a spirit in the air in past decade that has urged and brought the church to a certain not defined political involvement. Theologically this is a NAR Kingdom-now theology which I stay astray of BUT it is influencing event MAIN Line Pentecostal churches – if any of these still exist in America

      Now then I’ve discussed with Angel Ruiz Nelson Banuchi and others prior that once the involvement occurs the church is waved by political motions back and forth up and down – it is after all how politics works BUT should the church be submitted to such I am not sure If this is the price of our political involvement I am most certainly OUT – but it is IMO the reason why those preachers wave back and forth and WHY the church in 2020 will be used in this manner the same – it is after all how pharaoh did Moses and Israel in Egypt until God delivered them -through an OT symbol of rapture from this world through the split Red Sea

    • Reply July 16, 2019

      Nelson Banuchi

      Troy Day I’m more confident we’ll be persecuted than we’ll be raptured (before or mid Trib).

    • Reply July 16, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      Nelson Banuchi but all these preachers involved with Trump praise him to save the church from persecution Whats wrong with this picture right here?

  • Reply July 16, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    RichardAnna Boyce I still dont know HOW does our Pentecostal theology reply to the remarks you mentioned or WHY Philip Williams responded with such sharp passion but maybe he can answer and explain better than I ever will

    • Reply July 16, 2019

      RichardAnna Boyce

      “It’s going to exist in important battleground states and focus on churches and areas where he can have an impact. African American outreach will be a component of that. … It’s robust,” is commentary on Trump’s 2020 push for evangelical/ pentecostal vote. “maybe he will pay them to go back to the country of their ancestors and evangelise there?” is my Pentecostal commentary on robust Trump as i grew up in England where Enoch Powell wanted to pay blacks to go back where they came from; otherwise he said the rivers of England would be flowing with blood. Now the largest Pentecostal churches in England were started this Millenial by African blacks.

    • Reply July 16, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      RichardAnna Boyce Nelson Banuchi Pence is saying it was not the FULL picture Blamed on media @Bob Wizenhut already made the point for the african community though he is white

  • Reply July 16, 2019

    Philip Williams

    Brothers, instead of politicians in the world, we ought to be reaching out to leaders in the church. But not of course to politicians in the church but to servant leaders.

    We can’t solve problems in the world but we can certainly solve problems in the church including the need, as Paul encouraged the Corinthians, to speak the same things.

    If we do this, we will bit have to go to the politicians of the world for the kings will come to our light!

  • Reply July 16, 2019

    Davidking Manelli

    Good topic

  • Reply July 16, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    Philip Williams TRUE but most of our preaches and churches are taking after politics and politicians What do we do now? Nelson Banuchi Jerome Herrick Weymouth

  • Preach Gods word and teach the saints not to vote for those whose standards are contrary to what scripture teaches.

    • Reply July 16, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      who will be left to vote for then?

    • Troy Day dont worry there will be plenty to vote who dont listen to God or their pastors!

  • Reply July 17, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    RichardAnna Boyce Joe Absher this is where I beg to differ with Peter Vandever The FL revivals have gone too long influencing past AG Res 16 and need to stop Bentley was their first sad mistake But now it goes all the way to the presidency Gary Micheal Epping Philip Williams WHO know of the FL revivals may also disagree with JOHN KILPATRICK: JEZEBEL IS STEPPING OUT TO OPPOSE REVIVAL OF TRUMP’S RE-ELECTION

    • Reply July 17, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      Nelson Banuchi may disagree with me on this one for the sake of Killpatrick and the FL revivals

    • Reply July 17, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      what is YOUR take? I am not too fond of either KillP or MB

    • Reply July 17, 2019

      Nelson Banuchi

      Troy Day what?

    • Reply July 20, 2019

      Nelson Banuchi

      Troy Day Aside from fondness…

      “Kilpatrick prophesied Jezebel was rising up to oppose President Donald Trump.”

      If that’s true, then K would have to include those Christians that oppose Trump as having a Jezebel spirit, like me (like you?).

      “And it’s time for we in the ministry to begin preaching the word ‘repentance.’”

      If K really believed that, he would begin with Trump; the prophets of God never were afraid to challenge the King and leaders of Israel and Judah, regardless of how good their policies may have been if their moral character was anything but godly.

      “Although Kilpatrick says he’s not a ‘Trump man,’ he prays for him regularly and believes a coming revival depends on him being re-elected.”

      1. They all claim not to be a “Trump man,” but I don’t see any challenging him to repentance; any criticism against Trump made by these Evangelical leaders who support him is always tepid, adding what they perceive are the ‘greater’ sins of past leaders (esp. Hilary and Obama) in comparison.

      2. They all claim to pray for Trump as if (a) no one else is praying for him, especially those who oppose him, and (b) praying for him justifies supporting him.

      “…this man God has given us right now is standing in the gap by himself in many cases, holding back the tide that would try to destroy this nation.”

      This may be true to some degree, nevertheless, at the same time it seems God is using Trump to reveal the true character of His people. Unless I’m mistaken, the Bible seems to reveal that the judgment of God finally fell because of a nation’s inhospitality, injustice, and cruelty to the poor and weak among them… including the alien as well as it citizen’s, no? It is interesting that even Sodom and Gomorrah’s fate is mentioned more because of this than their sexual deviation (which, nevertheless, resulted in their inhospitality, injustice, and cruelty). No?

      FYI: that is not to say that these cities were not destroyed as a result of their sexual practices, but only that alone was not the reason for it.

      I do not know K, but i do personally know MB and have expressed to him by disappointment of his political stance and rhetoric respecting Trump.

  • Reply July 17, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    Philip Williams Nelson Banuchi the article
    Axios noted that Trump got 81% of the evangelical vote in 2016, and the evangelical community is close to 25% of the entire American electorate. A campaign advisor told Axios, “There is a significant evangelical outreach effort. It’s going to be state specific. It’s going to exist in important battleground states and focus on churches and areas where we can have an impact. African American outreach will be a component of that. … It’s robust, and it will be well-funded.”
    A campaign official stated to Axios, “In 2016, it was more of a surrogate driven, PR-driven type thing. This is about finding voters. That’s why a lot of our efforts are going toward collecting data at rallies, collecting data over peer-to-peer texting, and collecting data within our coalition groups.”
    An RNC official added that the RNC is querying members of Congress and leaders of church communities as to how to reach the huge evangelical community. Axios reported that the RNC will feature “signature Trump Victory Leadership Institute (TVLI) training” at faith-based events around the nation.
    A Pew Research poll from mid-March found a whopping 69% of evangelical voters thought Trump was doing a good job as president.
    In mid-June, Ralph Reed, head of the Faith and Freedom Coalition, said 2020 would see the “most ambitious and far-reaching voter mobilization effort” in the evangelical community’s history, as The Washington Times reported. He stated that plans called for the registration of 1 million evangelical voters, as volunteers knocked on 3 million doors and placed literature in over 117,000 churches in key states. He hoped around 30 million people would be contacted.
    As reported in April, evangelicals have moved even more strongly toward President Trump since 2016:
    Exit polls showed that 75 percent cast their ballots for Republican candidates. That number includes evangelicals of all ages, but surveys taken shortly before the election showed that 78 percent of white evangelicals ages 18 to 29 identified as Republican. “Did we see white evangelicals moving toward the middle of the political spectrum in 2018? “Clearly no,” says Ryan Burge, a political scientist at Eastern Illinois University (and a Baptist minister). “White evangelicals are more Republican now than they were two years ago.”
    Burge, noting that the percentage of evangelicals in 45 states rose between 2000 and 2010, posited that the rise came from two sources: Latino evangelicals, whose numbers soared in Arizona, Florida, Maryland and Ohio, and the concomitant move by leftists congregating in big cities such as New York, Philadelphia and Chicago.
    In May, White House spokesman Hogan Gidley commented on the closeness evangelicals felt for Trump, saying, “I think there’s a mutual respect. I think they have a good relationship because of the fact that he has delivered on the promises he made during the campaign.”
    In addition, three powerful members of Trump’s administration are evangelicals: Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos and former press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

    • Reply July 17, 2019

      Philip Williams

      Troy Day I’m not so interested in politics, but the Kingdom of God. Politics will lead you astray. But if the church truly follows Christ, she will carry all else with her.

    • Reply July 17, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      Philip Williams oh this is not a POLITICAL post – calling out Brown, Jentzen, Killpatrick and others siding with a lost cause for 2020 Is this political or the Kingdom of God.

    • Reply July 17, 2019

      Philip Williams

      Troy Day I understand.

    • Reply July 17, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      Philip Williams and what is your take – 2020 will be evangelical loss with ALL evangelical values on the historical line WHY this involvement if NOT kingdom-now theology

    • Reply July 17, 2019

      Philip Williams

      As individuals and citizens, we can suppose that one candidate is wiser and better for the country than another. Just don’t baptize them or idolize them. Else, our hearts will not be focused on the Kingdom of God.

    • Reply July 17, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      BUT pushing ALL American evangelicals to ACT LIKE they are kingdom-now and vote in A kingdom?

    • Reply July 17, 2019

      Philip Williams

      Troy Day Come our from among them and be ye separate. Christians need to be thinking about what the Lord is doing with our lifeboat, his church, rather than the repairs being made on the Titanic.

    • Reply July 17, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      Philip Williams well we sure are trying but some want to stay here after the rapture so they will have it all

    • Reply July 17, 2019

      Philip Williams

      Troy Day rapture is cowardly escapism and not of God. We need rapture here, Christians enrapt about what God is doing now.

    • Reply July 17, 2019

      Philip Williams

      All cowards go into the lake of fire!

    • Reply July 17, 2019

      Varnel Watson

    • Reply July 17, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      Philip Williams I’ve noticed when you run out of arguments you start calling names 🙂 escapism from what?

      from the Catholic red beast grip on Christianity via masonic and templeer orders – so be it

      from the fake American capitalism of DTrump that leads the world toward SS socialism – so be it?

      from gender homo uni world that has gone after Sodom – so be it

      If this is escapism – and escapism from the fire of hell that is – so sign me up with RichardAnna Boyce and Neil Steven Lawrence I am out – we are going home soon

    • Reply July 17, 2019

      Philip Williams

      Troy Day He is arguing against those who don’t believe in Jesus’s Second Coming. Who here holds to that? Know that I am premillennial. So just what is your point except to focus on your self and neglect the sad condition of the church? In fact to make his bride’s condition far worse with your doctrines that justify self-absorbed Christianity?

    • Reply July 17, 2019

      Philip Williams

      Troy Day escapism is turning your hearts from our children! The earth is for the children and you care nothing about the sad state of the chuch and world that your selfish unloving hearts are giving to them.

    • Reply July 17, 2019

      Philip Williams

      The American fathers who came to what was then a wilderness were inspired by the Latter Day glory of the Church. What miserable cowards, this generation of selfish American Christians who are more concerned about holding on to their pocketbooks before they fly off to glory.

    • Reply July 17, 2019

      Philip Williams

      Do you suppose that Jesus on his return will be an ordinary man like some President or Corporate executive in an office in this world’s Jerusalem?

      Read again. When he returns he fills the sky like lightning from one end to the other.

      This is the Creator of this universe for which the earth is his footstool.

    • Reply July 17, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      Philip Williams I am simply commenting on the Trump post in connection with the kingdom-now theology

  • Reply July 17, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    William DeArteaga Paul L. King Angel Ruiz I for one AM AGAINST putting all evangelical values on the line in 2020 and pushing ALL American evangelicals to ACT LIKE they are kingdom-now and vote in A kingdom What do you think? Ron Culbreth

  • Reply July 17, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    Philip Williams Joe Absher just when we were looking to take a break from the Trump pawn train and there it goes again just like IF Jerome Herrick Weymouth Nelson Banuchi Jim Price asked for

  • I’m awaiting William De Arteaga’s reply.

    • Reply July 19, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      I am waiting on his newest study too

    • Troy Day His last one on “the authority of the believer” was an eye opener… I bought the book he was talking about

  • And I ain’t voting for a leftist, socialists, lgbq, and abortion loving candidate!

  • Reply July 17, 2019

    Philip Williams

    Interesting, John Kilpatrick and Michael Brown both go after Jezebel. Did they get acquainted with her at Brownsville?

  • Reply July 17, 2019

    Joe Absher

    Yes i vote. But it’s always been the lesser of two evils in these United States. Sometimes you win sometimes you lose. It happens.
    The thing to remember is that as Christians we are blessed above all peoples to be under the government of the great Jehovah God. Jesus Christ the Righteous

  • Reply July 17, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    OK NOW Philip Williams you seem concerned with jezebel too Isara Mo may call you obsessed too 🙂

  • Reply July 18, 2019

    Neil Steven Lawrence

    I think people should stop insisting that Trump maintain the qualities of a spiritual leader. He was never elected as pastor but as a secular president. I don’t think anyone can doubt that he wishes the United States to be strong and sees as his main objective to end the weakening of the different components that make up the nation.

    It’s funny that this very secular person actually makes George Bush look like a phony Christian in the way that he supports Christian causes. (In other words compared to how Trump supports the Christian causes George Bush merely gave lipservice to them.)

    I don’t think we should worry that Trump will co-opt evangelical Christianity, nor should we worry that evangelicals are surrendering their moral stances for their pocketbooks.

    The way I see it some people in this discussion have short memories and seemingly have forgotten how much the secular, communist, left-wing, homosexual agenda, media-entertainment complex was just about to overwhelm the entire system with the election of Mrs. Corruption. We just finished 8 years of the most ideologically driven President in US history Barry Hussein Suetaro. I think I can safely say that God saved us from total destruction by this tidal wave.

    The ensuing battle to reverse the trend is not a pretty picture and Trump is definitely not a graceful character. But are people in this discussion so image conscious that they actually despise Trump for all his ugliness, but admire Obama for all of his snake like behavior?

    For once (since Reagan) christians, conservatives and the right wing of the political spectrum have a champion in their corner who is fighting for them, unwilling to bow to the attacks of the evil left, and does not have to tiptoe around worrying about the fained moral outrage of fake lefties (like so many Republicans have been used to doing). He actually is a master at using their own game against them! This alone should make people cheer! It is refreshing and I find myself constantly chuckling!

    Instead of being on defense conservatives are now on offense. Now is not the time to shrink back but to press forward to destroy the issues that are destroying our country: abortion, communism, homosexuality, illegal immigration, radical Islam, big government, unrestrained bureaucracy, global warming hoax, godless schools, political correctness, pluralistic totalitarianism, liberal pastors. (The last one was a bonus).

  • Reply July 18, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    Jim Price noticed that many people are commenting today that it’s okay to send refugees back because it is the legal thing to do. DOES this mean sending also ALL who came over since the Mayflower? Nelson Banuchi Philip Williams Neil Steven Lawrence NOW this is disturbing because wasnt Paula his family priest?

    In Your most holy name, I cast out all spirits of darkness from this chamber. Spirits not from You. I cast out the spirit of discouragement which deadens the hope of those who are of goodwill.

    • Reply July 19, 2019

      Neil Steven Lawrence

      Troy Day If you divide the few thousand border agents and ICE agents by the 22 million illegal aliens – even if they each had a 1000 illegal alien removal quota per day that each agent had to expel it would be physically impossible to remove all 22,000,000+ illegals!

      The point is either you change the laws to make it legal or modify them to make it sensible or enforce them to make it holy!

      The real battle has nothing to do with keeping needy people out it has everything to do with the liberals seeing their base eroding and realizing they need to game the system in order to add voters. My ancestors and yours did not come in and get free housing, free medical, free infrastructure, and all kinds of prosperity handed them in their laps. They had to work and suffer and help build the nation.
      Our immigrant ancestors also did not go around tearing down American flags, putting up their nation’s flag, and demanding “their rights” that don’t belong to them!

      Some of the people who are the most adamant against illegal immigrants are the people who had to recently come in legally themselves!

      It is unjust and unfair to use false compassion rhetoric to shame Americans away from their rights, their jobs, and their country that they love!!!

      I suggest that you watch this 6-minute YouTube video to untwist your mind.

  • Reply July 18, 2019

    RichardAnna Boyce

    Probably God saved at least one Indian without a missionary; and Indians should send the Mayflower back? And then Trump could Brexit UK by throttling and strangling Europe? Maybe he will soon get tired of game DSA?

    • ????????

    • Reply July 18, 2019

      RichardAnna Boyce

      Jerome Herrick Weymouth God can save anyone by using Creation to point them towards needing to know Jesus as their personal Saviour. Trump admits that life is a game; his reason for tax avoidance being a game all property developers play. After he has D the previous USA; what else is there for him to play?

    • RichardAnna Boyce
      Just in it for profit? Sounds like the Freingee from Star Trek Deep Space Nine.

    • Reply July 18, 2019

      RichardAnna Boyce

      Jerome Herrick Weymouth i didnt say profit. i said tax avoidance; avoiding USA government of money for saving lives and protecting us.

    • RichardAnna Boyce
      If you watched the program it was all for gain, for profit, and avoiding taxes and fees, that was the nature of the Freingee. And thats what Trump’s critics say about the President.

    • Reply July 18, 2019

      RichardAnna Boyce

      Jerome Herrick Weymouth thanks, i havnt watched it.

    • Reply July 19, 2019

      Neil Steven Lawrence

      RichardAnna Boyce God cannot save anyone by using the creation just like He cannot save anyone using the Law. It requires a revelation from the Word of God for peoples’ lives to be transformed.

      The only way this can happen is if someone from outside brings them the message. This has been true throughout church history. The people He sends to bring them this message are sometimes called missionaries!

      A number of European missionaries who felt called to bring the gospel to some of the Native American tribes had their hearts ripped out and eaten by the Warriors. They believed the power of the person was in the heart. The Gospel was brought to transform them from this and other demonic pagan ideas!

    • Reply July 19, 2019

      RichardAnna Boyce

      in the island Mindanao where i am a missionary, Muslims are increasingly becoming born again through dreams and visions of Jesus. Missionaries are finding some in the unreached tribes are already born again. So this is more than possible with Indians, the orginal North Americans. If so, doesn’t Trump’s racist logic mean all whites should go back to the capitalist places they came from?

    • Reply July 19, 2019

      RichardAnna Boyce

      I am sure there are two sides to every story. The Missionaries: God against the Indians Paperback – November 4, 2013
      by Norman Lewis (Author). The Missionaries was intended to be the concluding book of an autobiographical trilogy (beginning with Voices of the Old Sea and Jackdaw Cake) but instead was transmuted into a deeply searing examination of the extermination of indigenous tribes by North American fundamentalist missionaries. Lewis manages to maintain a magnificently superior calm as he gradually reveals, through their own words and actions, the self-serving illogicality, ruthless double-standards, and mercenary greed of the American missionaries. Fortunately Lewis’s writing set off repercussions in his own lifetime, and Survival International was formed.

    • Reply July 19, 2019

      Neil Steven Lawrence

      RichardAnna Boyce my wife and I have been missionary educator/evangelists In Kenya for 26 years. I have a Masters of Divinity with my focus in missions. I am well aware of the negativity toward Western Missionary propagation methods which were not informed by anthropological studies which have only recently existed (70 years). It is unfair to judge their cultural blunders through the postmodern lens. If another culture received the gospel first and propagated it first would they have done any better… No!

    • Reply July 19, 2019

      RichardAnna Boyce

      Neil Steven Lawrence agreed. I am reading The Role of the Missionaries in conquest – NOSIPHO MAJEKE: A Biographical Note that was recently posted on this site detailing. “From the very beginning the missionaries, who were the protagonists of capitalism, sought to implant the ideas of that system, which had recently vanquished feudalism in Europe under its famous slogans of liberty, equality, fraternity””the powerful slogans of democracy. In every collision between British capitalism and Dutch feudalism in Southern Africa, the Africans found themselves being drawn in on the side of the more progressive force, i.e., capitalism.” Being English and growing up with a dad who was a white supremacist supporter of Enoch Powell, i am thankful that God opened my eyes when i left home age 16.

    • Reply July 20, 2019

      Neil Steven Lawrence

      RichardAnna Boyce From church history it does seem that mercantilism then capitalism went hand-in-hand with the spread of the gospel. I don’t see a conflict.

      In the last 50 years the gospel and capitalism have helped to lift more people out of poverty than any time in human history.

  • Reply July 18, 2019

    Joe Absher

    There’s to many red flags for this richard or anna .
    The conversation doesn’t add up. In one post you condemn your PM in another you hold him up for praise. In one you’re thoughtful and scritural in another its flippant, OSAS, guaranteed etc. In one youre Australian in another you present as an american with words like “us and we and our” Whats really going on?

    • Reply July 18, 2019

      RichardAnna Boyce

      criticise the PM; but hold his independent ABC up for praise. When my Biblical posts get no comments; i am left with conclusion Pentecostals prefer spontaneous political posts with strong Biblical questions to be answered. OSAS claim it is guaranteed by God, not me; but as a Pentecostal im asking for our theologians for advice. Australian citizen, so able to give USA brothers here a somewhat independent view from USA’s only remaining friend. Us we our refer to Pentecostals not Americans.

    • Reply July 19, 2019

      Joe Absher

      I knew you’d blow smoke and cover your tracks

  • Reply July 18, 2019

    George Hartwell

    Healthy people have boundaries. Fathers like to keep their families is safe houses or apartments with doors that lock. Countries have borders that keep people out. Nations maintain the right to screen whoever wants to enter the country and the choice is made both on contribution to the economy but also on compatibility with the values of the community. Globalists support depopulation, eugenics and open border – so that nations will be destroyed and not able to stand against globalist world domination.

    • Reply July 19, 2019

      RichardAnna Boyce

      in the Millennium, the first shall be last and the last shall be first. Examples of how to be first in the Millennium is keeping the Beatitudes and generally Matt chs 5 and 6. Maybe we have 1000 days left to enjoy being first in this world; but 997 years to be last in God’s perfect Global Kingdom?

    • Reply July 19, 2019

      Neil Steven Lawrence

      George Hartwell Bingo!

  • Reply July 19, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    NOT sure why this topic picked up so much After all most churches could care less about politics today right?

    • Reply July 19, 2019

      Neil Steven Lawrence

      Troy Day ever since the Johnson amendment churches have been asleep. Now that their rights are being overrun in less than a generation people are starting to wake up. My opinion if the churches and the Christians don’t start fighting back instead of just talking back it’ll be too late.

    • Reply July 19, 2019

      Robert Erwine

      asleep ? they hijacked the republican party in the 80s if you remember and now drive our foreign and domestic polices based on their interpretation of the bible . thanks

  • Reply July 19, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    Neil Steven Lawrence Joe Absher Jim Price Philip Williams Robert Erwine Nelson Banuchi William DeArteaga

    President Trump used of vulgarities at NC rally

    used the Lord’s name in vain at least 2 times

    Trump’s 2020 North Carolina rally had 50+ outrageous lines

    • Reply July 19, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      Does it bother yall?

    • Reply July 19, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      It bothers me. I never like hearing those words. Its a shame we have to settle for Trump, but its not even close to settling for slick and polished politicians who have honey on their tongues and blood on their hands. Not one person on this board voted for Trump to be their pastor.

    • Reply July 19, 2019

      William DeArteaga

      I have been bothered by his vulgarity from day 1

    • Reply July 19, 2019

      Robert Erwine

      choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil.

    • Reply July 19, 2019

      Neil Steven Lawrence

      Troy Day Honey tongued politicians who tell lies are the apparent norm. Most sane people are sick of them. That’s why Trump’s brashness is refreshing. I don’t agree with foul language in anyway. But the rest of it is a pleasant surprise. Hopefully politics will never be the same in the United States. If you look at the history of US politics, it used to be much more vulgar and abrasive. Reading some articles and watching the “ Lincoln“ movie taught me this.

  • Reply July 19, 2019

    Robert Erwine

    im not offended by vulgarities at all .. using the Lord’s name or reference in an unholy manner gets you a slap in the mouth

  • Here’s from from the Left’s darling posted boy (from Rolling Stone Magazine) When President Obama signed the historic legislation that ensured health care coverage for all Americans, his vice president leaned over with a few commemorative words befitting the solemn occasion. “This is a big fuxxing deal,” said Biden.

  • Reply July 19, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    Jerome Herrick Weymouth so do you agree with the language used? I dont think the church should compromise

  • No I don’t agree with the language but I find it more appalling when liberals act SO SHOCKED cause the Republican president has used vulgarity!!!

  • Reply July 19, 2019

    RichardAnna Boyce

    i can accept spontaneous outbursts resulting from passion in deeply held beliefs from a basically decent guy; who gets criticised by his own from saying Pence is decent too. But a psychotic narcissist who used to call avoiding tax at ALL cost a ‘game’ and now calls hatefully calculatingly racially dividing USA, and the rest of the world in other ways, a ‘game’, is something else. I hate to think what diversions he may be calculating when he has to face Biden for the ‘decency’ vote of middle America. Maybe war in the Middle East?

  • Reply July 20, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    but Jerome Herrick Weymouth such position is ignoring of the ongoing moral issue we are stuck with Nelson Banuchi

  • Reply July 20, 2019

    Daniel J Hesse

    Make Jesus Great Again!

  • It might be my upbringing, hearing vulgarity ever since I was in diapers to even today when I see my younger sister whose every other word is vulgar. And then hearing vulgar comments from people while driving a public transit bus for 20 years has hardened me ( I am NOT SHOCKED by politicians who use dirty language) and yet I worked on it myself to over come my dirty language. There’s plenty of scriptures that say our speech is to be seasoned with salt. And coarse jesting should not have a place in you and that we will have to give an account for every spoken word. That’s why I work on my speech. And that is pleasing to God.

  • Reply July 20, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    Jerome Herrick Weymouth I disagree with that

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