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Hello, I’m doing some research on PC eschatology. Am I correct in thinking that premillenialism is dying among Pentecostals in general? Which Pentecostal denomination or influential church/movement, save AoG and CoG (Cleveland, TN), requires premillenialism in its statement of faith?
Yes, it’s dying. Postmillennialism and Amillennialism seem to be growing rather rapidly, and most of these are taking the form of partial-preterism. Books like Raptureless by Jonathan Welton, The Art of Revelation by Jonathan Welton, and Victorious Eschatology by Harold Eberle have been taking the Charismatic world by storm.
Within the Pentecostal world, NT Wright seems to have a lot of influence in the seminaries and so he is bringing a partial-preterist, post-millennial eschatology to the Pentecostals though he himself is an Anglican. I can’t tell you how many people I’ve talked to who at one time we’re dispensational premillennialists, but after reading NT Wright, Gordon Fee, and and a few others, they’ve abandoned their view entirely. Personally, I’m seeing Pentecostals leave dispensationalism and return to the eschatology (and liturgy) of their Wesleyan and Anglican heritage.
UPDATE!!! So this is what I’ve found out so far. I urge especially those who are familiar with OBSC and ICFG to disprove my possible error.
In the UK: AoG, CCI and Elim and in the US: OBSC and ICFG do not mention millenium at all within their statements of faith or in their “foundational truths.”
BFP, GCE or VMeC in Germany do not emphasize it in their statements of beliefs either.
The only two big Pentecostal denominations that do mention millenial reign of Christ on earth are AoG and CoG, Cleveland, TN.
The Czech Apostolic Church’s statement is somewhat idiosyncratic. It clearly tries to emphasize the rapture, but does not give a hint about the earthly millenial reign of Christ. Thus it can accommodate any position as long as it acknowledges the rapture experience. [Btw… have you ever heard of postmillenialism that counts with a rapture of some sort?]
Just for a comparison within Central European context, the Slovak Apostolic Church does confess premillenialism and the Romanian Cultul Creștin Penticostal is also firmly premillenial.
It should have died when the Crusades (ugh) failed.
Varnel Watson
is an on going thing nowadays Philip Williams tell us some you participated in besides finding the ark
Philip Williams
Troy Day I didn’t find the Ark. My friend did.
Varnel Watson
I met the guy who found Titanic He said it looked much like the AG