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The Perry Stone’s New Testament Study Bible is taken from the King James translation and includes over 300,000 words of Perry Stone’s personal commentary.
Over 10,000 sermon notes are penned with ink on stacks of yellow and white note pads, printed from a laptop, placed in outline book form, filling cabinets, boxes, desk drawers and closets. Now, after seven years of compiling a Bible Commentary, highlighting biblical nuggets, in-depth research information, ancient history and Greek word studies, the Perry Stone New Testament with a 300,000 - word study commentary is printed and available to everyone.
• Kings James translation
• A commentary with over 300,000 words
• Personally written and compiled by Perry Stone
• Special colored nugget boxes with detailed insight inter specific passages
• In-Depth articles at the conclusion of the 27 New Testament books
• Good readable print in the Bible and the commentary
• Glean from 40 years of ministry research
• Printed in the United States
Varnel Watson
Stan Wayne Ricky Grimsley May be this Good Book can start you on proper Pentecostal eschatology. The BIBLE tells it like it is.. Alan N approves!
Stan Wayne
I don’t understand the concept of “New Testament Hebraic” – is he saying the NT was written in Hebrew?
Ricky Grimsley
Perry Stone needs me to explain eschatology to him. All his reasoning is circular and based on jewish weddings.
Stan Wayne
How many varieties of Jewish weddings might there be? Good grief – was it set in stone? Did Abraham marry Sarah in the way Hosea married Gomer?
Varnel Watson
Perhaps the hebraistic understanding of Prophecy is meant here. Though it started as a whole Bible and then made a little more sense; which may make again when the whole Bible is published. But yes – definite Hebraic approach to prophecy which is the new thing with this publication when compared to many others. Stan Wayne which NT book do you “feel” were written in Hebrew?
Stan Wayne
None – that is the problem with the title
Ricky Grimsley
When dealing with eschatology…what scriptures can pre-tribbers even use?
Stan Wayne
I am pre trib – it is a big subject that requires more than 20 or 30 words but 1 Thess 4:17 on its face is presented as imminent
Stan Wayne
Then the distinctions between the second coming and the rapture make for 2 separate happenings
Ricky Grimsley
Stan Wayne but all that happened there is you decided to say that one coming is two comings. Paul refers over and over to the day of the lord which he says also includes the rapture. The second coming is really one event that starts with the rapture and ends at the millennium. In any case 2Thessalonians chapter two still refutes any pre-trib argument in my mind.
Stan Wayne
Ricky Grimsley
Im not post. My Position is called pre-wrath
Stan Wayne
I think pre wrath is reasonable
Varnel Watson
Seems like NONE of yall has actually seen the said Study Bible nor read the post about it. Just the usual blah-blah-blah
Varnel Watson
No problem with the title as explained above. Anyone families with theological education would recognize the hebreistic approach in this NT introduction and commentary. Apropos Stan Wayne was Hebrews written in hebrew? Is the Q-source and the proto-Markian materials included in the Synoptics written/told in Greek or Aramaic?