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PERRY STONE STUDY BIBLE: As you may be aware, I have been stirred in my spirit to produce a Perry Stone Hebraic/Prophetic Study Bible, gleaning from 44,000 hours of Bible study, CDS, DVDS, personal notes, outlines and study manuals that I’ve produced within 34 years of ministry.
Along with a team of specialists under the direction of Strang Communication (Charisma) I plan to create a very special, study Bible. It has been suggested that the entire project could take three years to complete. I do know this is the largest and most expensive undertaking that I have ever pursued. I have asked the Lord how I am to fulfill this task while at the same time maintain additional income to continue the numerous outreaches we currently have in place. I felt this is the plan to follow.
I was impressed to ask 99 individuals or families to plant a special one time offering of $10,000 for the Bible project. In appreciation, I am going to memorialize the donor name or family name on a page on the front of the Bible. Nine individuals have already responded and this leaves 90 men or women that I believe the Lord to speak to for this purpose. You can contact our office at (423) 478-3456 and ask for Gina concerning questions or information on the Bible project. Once we receive your offering for the Bible we will submit a follow up card or letter throughout the year keep you updated as to the progress of the project. I believe investing in the Word of God is our greatest investment for future generations.
Varnel Watson
Ricky Grimsley Who is he to produce a study Bible?
What has been his contribution to Pentecostal theology
What are his theological subject discoveries that no one else has seen to be inserted and bound in a single Study Bible volume?
Michael Todd Combs
Hill/Stone 2020
Varnel Watson
Michael Todd Combs
Tim Hill/Perry Stone 2020
Michael Todd Combs
Scotty Searan
Michael Todd Combs it would be nice.
But they wouldn’t remain true to their convictions.
I have never met or heard a politician who didn’t lie
Michael Todd Combs
Scotty Searan I was saying that tongue in cheek. You will find that I’m not the biggest fan of Perry Stone.
Varnel Watson
yes you are
Louise Cummings
I have Perry Stones New Testament Bible. Has he got the Old Testament ready. Do you have both?
Varnel Watson
Now, this question has a good answer. Perry is one of the most if not the world’s foremost prophecy teachers. There hasnt been such detailed Pentecostal prophecy teacher since Finis Dake. Sure John Hagee and Lindsey are up there, but too many flaws with red moons and so on Perry deserves to publish a Prophecy Bible [period]
Jevan Little
What about Baxter?
Varnel Watson
Baxter has a study bible ? Jevan Little
Jevan Little
Dunno but he is a prophecy teacher
Varnel Watson
So? What is his great contribution to prophecy teaching?
Jevan Little
Varnel Watson
Jevan Little what does he say different than Perry?
Tim Dalton
It says that the trinity is false and that oneness is the truth. Does anybody 1 John 4 4 Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. – —
Varnel Watson
come again? who says that ?
Tim Dalton
Troy Day Irvin Baxter has been a oneness Pastor in Indiana for 25 or more years. – No study bible needed on this Christians — but test everything; hold fast what is good. 1 Thessalonians 5:21 – This is so needed today
11 And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds[a] and teachers,[b] 12 to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, 13 until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood,[c] to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, 14 so that we may no longer be children, tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes. 15 Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, 16 from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love Eph. 4
Varnel Watson
I dont follow Irvin Baxter He was suggested by @jevon
Tim Dalton
We have enough study bibles. I often wonder if these are just money makers for the person whose name is on them. What we need more of is opening up an ordinary bible and actually read it. As Paul told Timothy, in 2 Tim. 3:15 and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.—- It makes us wise to salvation. That is quite the reccomendation.
Louise Cummings
That’s true. But when you don’t know or understand what it means. It gets you started on the right path of understanding. I know the Bible says when we like understanding. Ask God and He will give it to you. I know it has happened to me before. I prayed for God to give me understanding on that verse. And The Lord opened my understanding jus as clear as day.
Tim Dalton
Louise Cummings – trust in the Lord with all your heart and don’t lean to your (or others) understanding. I think we live in a quick gratification society now. We want instant help, answers etc. Prayer takes time (lots of it). Reading the word takes time. Meditating on the word takes time to hear the Lord. We are so used to other voices that we forget that we are the Lord’s sheep and should be able to hear His voice. Maybe people lack confidence, but God wants us to know His word. — The bible says Psalm 119:15 I will meditate on your precepts and fix my eyes on your ways. -not rely on others to meditate and we are to hide that word in our hearts and not other people’s hearts. Trust that you have a personal relationship with God. He called you by His grace and you heard to get saved. He still teaches us.. Try God first. It will totally change your life.
Louise Cummings
Very true.
Louise Cummings
Thank God. He totally change my whole life years ago. I love feeling His presences. I love His Word.
Tim Dalton
Louise Cummings He is a great God
Louise Cummings
Varnel Watson
Dont you thin Perry has a lot to offer as interpretation in a Study Bible ?
Tim Dalton
Who taught him? That one is teaching everyone. Read and pray over it first. Then, if you have to, go to the commentators.
Varnel Watson
His dad? And several other great preachers ?
Tim Dalton
Troy Day – He claims the Holy Spirit reveals to him.
Tim Dalton
Shun that abomination, a book of sermon outlines. If God inspired that preacher who wrote the book, why cannot He inspire you?
Louise Cummings
I think it’s great. He just lays his out a little different. But that could be the best way. I know you have great information when you study it. I think he has great knowledge on the Word.
Varnel Watson
Tim Dalton what are you talking about? the Study Bible?
Louise Cummings
I believe God reveals things to people. I believe he shows people thing in dreams. If you or any of solid ground preachers believes I telling what dreams. Mean. I have a dream I wish someone could tell me.
Varnel Watson
Tim Dalton what are you talking about? the Study Bible or something else?
Louise Cummings
God doesn’t use everyone with the same things. Your gift might be something else. The Old Testament how many dreams in High offices. What about the hand writing on the wall. The Finger Of God Wrote it. And how God used Daniel explaining what it meant. Joseph , one of the tribes of Israel , how he dreamed. How his dreamed. Came to pass. Half of the Old Testament. We see it coming to pass. John in the booth of Revelation. The vision God showed him for the Last days. Paul. He said weather in the flesh, or body or if he was caught up into Heaven. Phillip. In the mist of Revival. The disciples to help. The Lord talked to Phillip , to go and Join himself to an Ethiopian in a chariot. And ask what he was reading. He said how could I without someone explaining it to me. ( that when a good commentary helps. ) but anyway. Phillip preached unto him Jesus. And Baptized him in a pool of water. The Lord caught Phillip away unto a different place. The Bible is full of Revelations from God. And dreams. I could go on and on telling you why the Lord might have a different talent for you. But to others revelation of something or by dreams. But if it’s doesn’t agree with the Bible. It’s not of God. But if the Bible brings things out like that. Then it could very well be of God.
Tim Dalton
God wants us all to know the word though. Knowing the word is for all. Too many don’t try for who knows why. Can God get through to you or not. Do you seek His will in prayer or not. That might be the problem. Too many really pray.
Tim Dalton
I am talking about our dependence on every time of help besides the Lord. We have a personal relationship with Him as much as others do. As long as we are orthodox we need to stick with our own first. Then see what others say. We are not to steal sermons though even outlines. I remember Dave Wilkerson coming down on preachers. He said pray and have God give them something fresh just for that congregation. As long as it is biblical truth, trust in the Lord for His teaching. The bible is meant to be understood with the teaching of the Spirit.
Tim Dalton
1 Tim 2 3 This is good, and pleases God our Savior, 4 who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. — It says all people . All = you — step out in faith and trust that God will reach you. The bible is spiritually discerned. If you can’t discern it , you better really seek God. It takes time though, No hurry hurry – wait upon the Lord.– James 1:5 5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. — Brothers and Sisters trust in these promises.
Varnel Watson
no one is talking about dependency here but about learning to show approved and what are the best resources to use; why is this not so good resource in your opinion? Tim Dalton
Tim Dalton
Simple. I go to the Bible first. Then I go to the commentators that I know are conservative and godly along with their much researched work. Do you really think Perry wrote most of those comments?
Varnel Watson
on Perry I think he did – he probably took a lot from his studies, but yes I am pretty sure these are his original teachings. Have you seen his study bible yet?
Tim Dalton
I am too busy studying the bible itself. I try to do anointed exegesis.
Varnel Watson
yes I could tell you were talking about something you’ve never seen
You should check it out for a change
Tim Dalton
Troy Day I have seen Perry in the flesh. I have been to Cleveland. That was enough for me.
Varnel Watson
but we are discussing his Bible here which you havent seen yet nor have a clue what we are talking about
Tim Dalton
Troy Day – I have heard his teachings. That was enough for me. I must redeem my time. Perhaps you need to read some exposes of His teachings and his product selling. You ask me to be open. I ask you.
Varnel Watson
You are right I’ve read both sides but this is beyond OP
Tim Dalton
Troy Day – I read recognized exegetes. I don’t want speculations. Read what you will.
Varnel Watson
Are you saying Perry is NOT a recognized exegete on prophecy? Come on now – everyone in this group recognizes him
Tim Dalton
Troy Day This group is just a part, but not the whole body of Christ. Many in the body say differently. Believe and read what you want. We live in america and it is still a free country although I make myself accountable to God. God bless.
Varnel Watson
Sure You are also accountable to the community where you make your accusations I dont have problem discussing wrong teachings in the said Study Bible in this OP but pls tell us WHAT are the wrong teachings you have found in this Study Bible ???
Tim Dalton
Troy Day – why are you ducking his general teachings. You won’t speak to those and there have been much written to expose him. Does not a A little leaven leavens the whole lump. Gal. 5:9 Troy I really don’t think anything I can say will you think about. There has been plenty of warnings on this man. I believe your mind is made up.
Tim Dalton
Stick to the word of God as it is never wrong. I think that is good advice.
Michael Todd Combs
Troy Day- you are a disciple of Perry correct?
Varnel Watson
yeah – I dont think so but Ricky Grimsley may be
Ricky Grimsley
Lol not hardly
Varnel Watson
yeah – Ricky is a secret disciple Perry did you know?
Varnel Watson
Michael Todd Combs we know Ricky Grimsley is a secret disciple of Perry because when we say it he hides in a deep state 9 and says nothing Perry did you know?
Varnel Watson
Another profit center!
Philip Williams go2church already
Troy Day go to Manifest to be entertained!
Philip Williams your communist manifest you mean?