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Beloved “try the spirits.” There are many spirits we do not want to have anything to do with. There is our own spirit; the flesh and the devil. There are many spirits contending, and many times we let our own spirit rule and make ourselves think it is God; the same, with the flesh and the devil.

There is no passage within New Testament scripture that indicates that the Messiah lay His hands upon any demon-possessed person. Wherever Jesus went in ministry, He was always in the continual process of “giving” out to others and not “receiving.” Many times Jesus lay His hands upon the sick to heal, but never upon the demon-possessed.

In Scripture, it was the spoken “Word” that delivered those oppressed, and caused Satan to shudder with fear (see the before and after difference in the Gadarene demonic Luke 8:26-36). One of the very important reasons for this, is because of the transference of “spirits” (Numbers 14:24; I King 22:21; Ephesians 2:2; 1 Tim 4:1; 1 John 4:1; 1 John 4:3; Ephesians 5:19; 2 Cor 6:17, Col. 2:21, etc.) (or in contrast the “Holy Spirit’s power” as in Matthew 9:21).

“The Occult Version of Laying on of Hands

  • Did you know that cults also lay hands on people to transfer power/demons? Yes, it is true. This is an old practice, not just something new. Hinduism teaches the laying on of hands to receive the ‘power’. Do you realize that there is a lot of demon swapping going on in the ‘churches’ today? I’ve seen it with my own eyes.
  • Shaktipat 1 – (Skt. “descent of power”) – A form of spiritual transmission where a guru serves as a channel for the descent of divine grace. This spiritual baptism, typically involving the laying on of hands, awakens the dormant kundalini within a disciple to initiate or accelerate the process of liberation. Can also refer to the direct descent of grace, without intermediation by a guru.
  • Never ever lay your hands on someone you know is demon possesed, and never ever let them lay their hands on you. They always want to put their hands on people and touch other people’s hands. They are demonic and they are possesed and they transfer demonic powers to you that way.
  • Now if they say they want to be delivered do not lay hands on them because what they have must come out just as the demonic legions came out when Jesus delivered and they ran into the pigs. Do not touch or knowingly lay your hands on demon-possesed people.
  • Be Careful in Who you permit to lay hands upon you: Manifestations?

When Demon-Inspired Believers Lay Hands On You

You’ve probably fallen victim to malicious gossip through the lips of another Christian. But physical assault gives a literal meaning to wrestling principalities and powers, rulers of the darkness of this age, and spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places (Eph. 6:12). Indeed, when a demon physically attacks you through a believer, a wrestling match with the flesh and blood that’s hosting the foul spirit can ensue.

Would MARIA WOODWORTH-ETTER  have approved of the Toronto Blessing of today?

This sermon, preached by one of the forerunners of the Toronto movement, and by a lady accepted by the TB supporters as a genuine minister anointed by the Spirit, should give some pause for thought among them – because Maria Woodworth-Etter disapproved of disorderly meetings and recognized some manifestations as demonic. Her response was to put a stop to them – not allow them to continue unchecked, as today.

Maria Woodworth-Etter (1844-1924) is one of the best known Holiness preachers of the pre-Pentecostal era. From around 1885 onwards she began to use the charismatic gifts in her meetings, and was known for healings, trances and visions. Indeed, her trances were called being “slain in the Spirit”. However, her emphasis never shifted from her call to preach the gospel to the lost – she reportedly saw around five hundred genuine, lasting conversions a week in her heyday. She never focused on power or manifestations, but simply preached the word of God, calling on men and women to repent of sin, and seek the Savior.

Most of the manifestations common in TE meetings were experienced in the Woodworth-Etter meetings, so much so that some critics of the current movement trace it back to this lady! Thus, she is a perfect role-model for the Toronto leaders, and her words of wisdom, coming from her experience of hundreds of revival meetings, ought to carry some weight. Notice how she identifies the work of the devil, and cautions people not to give nor receive the laying on of hands thoughtlessly. She recognized that the devil can counterfeit the work of God.

Joe Collins [08/15/2015 4:22 PM]
Laying on with hands is not necessary, however I have done it myself

Lennie Marx [08/23/2015 4:26 PM]
This commandment is restricted for those immersed in the unaltered form of Acts 2:38 as given by Jesus to the Apostles, Mark 26:15-20, Luke 24:44-53! Others play a dangerous game, Acts 19:13-16!


  • Reply September 16, 2016

    Robert Borders

    You can use lots of different methods for deliverance.

  • Reply September 16, 2016

    Jon Ray

    Why some claim that laying of hands indulges transference?

    • Reply September 16, 2016

      Robert Borders

      I’m not sure why but I did her of some deliverance ministers years ago who actually practiced a transference method and called the demons from the person that they were praying for into themselves. I believe that God protects us when we lay hands on others to pray for deliverance but would certainly not ask the demons to come into me.

  • Reply September 17, 2016

    Eva Benevento

    My book deals with these issues.

  • Reply September 17, 2016

    Jon Ray

    Robert Borders This is hard to believe. Give us a few names to check it out. Its sounds oxymoronic to be in deliverance ministry whily subjecting yourself to demonic influence or was it even possession in your opinion ?

    • Reply September 17, 2016

      Robert Borders

      Ernest Rochstadt who is now deceased referred to this in some tapes in the 1980’s and encouraged others to avoid the transference method of Deliverance.

    • Reply September 17, 2016

      Jon Ray

      Contemporary Origins of the Testing the Spirits Method

      A.E. Ruark, a Prairie Bible College professor in Alberta, Canada, credentialed by The Christian and Missionary Alliance, pioneered this method in contemporary times. Ernest B. Rockstad, an independent Baptist pastor in Wisconsin and Kansas, is the most influential U.S. trailblazer. No mention of Win Worley?

    • Reply September 17, 2016

      Robert Borders

      Win Worley is also deceased. I did read several of his books and quickly decided not to follow his model of Deliverance ministry. The best mentor I had was a Mennonite layman by the name of Dean Hochstetler to whom some medical doctors referred us to when my wife needed deliverance. We found no help from Pentecostal pastors back then.

  • Reply November 23, 2016

    Varnel Watson

    Joe Collins said: Laying on with hands is not necessary, however I have done it myself

  • Reply November 23, 2016

    Ken Manley

    Jesus often just spoke and cast demons out, as did Paul.
    Laying on of hands is not necessary unless God leads to do so.

  • Reply November 23, 2016

    Varnel Watson

    Ken Manley I think the question of hand comes from some people saying not to touch demonized in order to avoid transference of demons

  • Reply November 24, 2016

    Walter Polasik

    I looked at the article in question and noticed that of all the verses it DID mention, the one key verse that has to do with a danger to laying on of hands was NOT! I Tim. 5:22 reads, “Do not lay hands on anyone hastily, nor share in other people’s sins: keep yourself pure”. This does well for instructing the practice of laying on of hands in general and guarding against transference of spirits. This should have been the first verse to begin the article. I’m surprised. Again, biblical literacy is key.

  • Reply November 24, 2016

    Varnel Watson

    Are you sure we are reading the same article? One of the very important reasons for this, is because of the transference of “spirits” (Numbers 14:24; I King 22:21; Ephesians 2:2; 1 Tim 4:1; 1 John 4:1; 1 John 4:3; Ephesians 5:19; 2 Cor 6:17, Col. 2:21, etc.) (or in contrast the “Holy Spirit’s power” as in Matthew 9:21).

  • Reply November 24, 2016

    Walter Polasik

    Yes. Paul’s point is that when a believer is laying on hands to pray for healing, sometimes the way this happens is that power within the believer is transferred to the one needing healing (Mk. 5:30; Lk. 6:19; Mk. 16:18). The laying on of hands is not just purely ceremonial. This is why Paul cautions because the “channel” can work the other way as well. (Not to say that a believer could be possessed, but certainly have adverse effects).

  • Reply November 24, 2016

    Varnel Watson

    Are you saying this “channel” can fire back and insert demons?

  • Reply November 24, 2016

    Walter Polasik

    No, not like that, only that those who are not prayed up and confidently walking in the Spirit should not attempt to deal with them. No, I do not believe a believer can be demon-possessed, if that’s what you’re asking.

  • Reply November 24, 2016

    Varnel Watson

    I think this was the question Terry Wiles was interested in yesterday

  • Reply November 26, 2016

    Varnel Watson

    I remember reading in Ernest B. Rockstad book that “Experience, of course is not the basis for the interpretation of the Bible. Nevertheless, if consistent experiences run counter to an interpretation, the dedicated seeker after truth will set out to find the reason. He must be willing to re-study his interpretation under the direction of the Holy Spirit…and be prepared to make any necessary corrections in his own belief so as to be in full agreement with the facts as they are.” He further points out that understanding the Biblical doctrine of human depravity should cause one to wonder that the Holy Spirit would enter a person under any circumstances. You cannot argue anyone into believing that the old fundamental stand against Christians having demons is fallacious.

  • Reply November 26, 2016

    Robert Borders

    Ernest Rokstad also has a great little booklet in regards to speaking in tongues. His books and materials can be ordered from family members. My wife and I ordered his tapes and books nearly 25 years ago in our search to learn more about deliverance.

    • Reply November 26, 2016

      Dan Irving

      I have Shortly after my conversion and Spirit-baptism,

      • Reply November 26, 2016

        Dan Irving

        (apparently this site doesn’t allow deletion of mistakes) I have a personal account. Shortly after my conversion and Spirit-baptism, I was conversing with an elder, when he was called to lay hands with other elders upon a person in need of prayer. I thought I saw him motion me over, and so I mis-assumed he wanted me to lay hands as well. (I was a brand new convert.) Although I was one of several persons who laid hands, it was as if I felt power/strength going into ME. The following week, this elder taught on how laying hands was for the eldership (which I think was really meant for me. So, I do think there is some principle of flowback that I don’t understand.

  • Reply November 26, 2016

    Lennie Marx

    This is a promise from Jesus to all who have been or will be immersed in the unaltered form of Acts 2:38 this does not include anyone who claims Acts 2:38 fulfills Matthew 28:19! Any questions?

  • Reply November 28, 2016

    Varnel Watson

    Robert Borders Lennie Marx Terry Wiles Have you read this one? Seems brand new to me

    • Reply November 29, 2016

      Robert Borders

      Yes. I have a copy that I bought a couple of years ago. I have hundreds of books on this topic and several hundred more related to other areas of healing.

    • Reply November 29, 2016

      Varnel Watson

      Is this a good one? Seems like holistic observation of all praxis, but is it only concerned with N. America only or globally?

    • Reply November 29, 2016

      Robert Borders

      This book has some useful stuff but is primarily an overview and is a bit expensive. It is not a hands-on guide. I do have several books from Africa but the authors get a bit over the top with aspects of Deliverance.

    • Reply November 29, 2016

      Varnel Watson

      The one with the Morning Prayer is excellent

  • Reply July 10, 2022

    mohit ramamoorthy

    Jesus laid hands on a women in the temple who had a spirit of infirmity for 18 years (luke 13:13). And she was loosed from the spirit that was crippling her.

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