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Rev. John Kilpatrick remembers the intense move of God that overtook his Brownsville Assembly of God church in Pensacola, Florida, in the 1990s. More than 4 million people encountered God at that revival. But Kilpatrick says that if we want to see revival turn this nation around, we need the Spirit to move in more than just the church. We need an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in our marketplace, our media and our politics. Yet the Jezebel spirit is doing all it can to stop that from happening.
If you’ve been reading my Strang Reports or my latest book, Trump Aftershock, you know that last year, Kilpatrick prophesied Jezebel was rising up to oppose President Donald Trump. He gave that prophetic word while preaching one Sunday at his current church, Church of His Presence, and a video of that sermon went viral. I recently interviewed Kilpatrick for my new “In Depth With Stephen Strang” podcast. You can listen to it here or at the end of this article.
During our interview, he shared what he sees God trying to do in our nation—and what the enemy is doing to try to stop it.
“The Spirit of God is going to begin to invade this nation,” he says. “And it’s time for we in the ministry to begin preaching the word ‘repentance.’ I have never seen people find it so hard to repent as they do today. And many in the ministry won’t even give altar calls anymore and allow the people to come forward and repent of their sins and lead them in the sinner’s prayer. It’s like Satan has done everything he possibly can to keep a born-again experience away from this generation. It’s going to take a moving of the Holy Spirit, and it’s going to take revival … and I believe we’re getting close to it.”
Although Kilpatrick says he’s not a “Trump man,” he prays for him regularly and believes a coming revival depends on him being re-elected.
“Where else would you go in the nation right now … where a man would have the ability to stand up against this kind of onslaught?” Kilpatrick says. “He would take this kind of stand for the unborn, he would take this kind of stand for Israel, and he would take this kind of stand at the church. Basically, this man God has given us right now is standing in the gap by himself in many cases, holding back the tide that would try to destroy this nation.”
With the left growing more liberal and sin becoming more rampant, Kilpatrick believes we’re in a prime time for a fresh outpouring.
“This is spiritual warfare for the soul of this nation,” he says. “When you go back and study revivals, national awakenings, [these are] the very same kind of conditions that were prevalent right before revivals or these national awakenings.”
And he would know. The famous Brownsville revival I mentioned earlier happened in Kilpatrick’s church. He still remembers the incredible way God stirred it up—and it all started with prayer.
“Prayer is what sparked it,” he says. “God never puts revival on sale. It’ll cost this generation, but it cost previous generations. … The Lord spoke to me, and He said, ‘If you’ll make this a house of prayer, I’ll pour out My Spirit here.'”
When Kilpatrick received that word, he began holding a prayer meeting every Sunday night. The Lord told him to set up 12 prayer banners that represented 12 categories to pray for. People would go from banner to banner, praying for each topic and getting so excited about prayer that meetings soon began lasting around two hours or longer.
Kilpatrick and his church prayed faithfully like this for 2 ½ years before revival broke out. For about the first year of that time, Kilpatrick would hear a voice accusing him each week, telling him to stop these prayer meetings, or he would lose his followers.
“As we were praying, I heard the Holy Spirit speak,” he tells me. “And He said, ‘You have held tight. Now I’m about to send forth My Spirit in this place in a mighty way.'”
As soon as Kilpatrick heard that prophetic word, the accusing voice went silent, and he never heard it again. Revival swept through that church a year and a half later in 1995.
In fact, the revival came when Kilpatrick wasn’t quite expecting it. He was still grieving the loss of his mother, who had passed away a week before Mother’s Day of that year.
“I was in grief,” he tells me. “And a prophet called me on the telephone, and he said, ‘Brother Kilpatrick, the Lord has heard your cry for revival. He’s going to send revival to you. First, when your mother is gone, when your mother is passed, then the Lord said He’ll send revival.’ And sure enough, it worked out just that way.”
A little over a month later, on Father’s Day, Steve Hill preached as a guest at Kilpatrick’s church. But something was different about Hill this time, Kilpatrick says. Hill had just returned from experiencing the outpouring of the Spirit at Holy Trinity Brompton in London, England.
“After not seeing him for quite some time, there was a difference on stage,” Kilpatrick recalls. “He looked different out of his eyes. He walked different. His voice sounded different. There was an authority on him, a mantle that had come onstage. And so when I saw him, I said to myself, Oh, wow, this is not the same Steve Hill I knew.”
Hill preached two things during that sermon: Jesus loves you, and He has a plan for your life. As simple as the message was, around 1,000 people ran forward for prayer when he was done preaching.
“The rest is history,” Kilpatrick says. “The power of God came down in such an awesome way that if I live to be 300 years old, I’ll never forget that day. It was an awesome downdraft of the power and the glory of God.”
That revival continued almost every night for about five years. People traveled from all over the U.S.—and even the world—to experience what the Spirit was doing in Pensacola. Could God bring another Brownsville revival to America? Of course. But Kilpatrick says we need a revival that goes beyond one city and sweeps the entire nation. To see that happen, though, God’s people must position themselves to receive it.
“It’s time to quit discussing things about the president,” Kilpatrick says. “It’s time to quit discussing what’s going on in Washington. … And it’s time to start praying. The people of God need to pray out loud right now. Like I’ve never seen prayer in my lifetime.”
Joe Absher
Great article. To bad there’s a half naked woman in the ad from ebay
Brian Roden
Always gets me when Christian sites go with secular ad providers to generate revenue. Charisma mag’s site suffers from this all the time.
Varnel Watson
just because they are Strang owned but oh well Are you saying Jezebel has been too much marketed
Joe Absher
Sorry that was my Pentecost showing lol
Varnel Watson
Isara Mo Link Hudson its a real spirit and even Peter Vandever must agree with Kilpratrick now
Dan Brent
This whole thing is appalling. The idea that a revival is tied to Trump’s reelection and that somehow “the left growing more liberal” is somehow connected to more sinful behavior.
No political position is more antithetical to Pentecostal revival than Nationalism. This kind of nonsense comes from a people who have lost their understanding of the past and therefore have no vision for the future. Here’s a selection from Charles Parham, who I think knew a thing or two about revival:
“The past order of civilization was upheld by the power of nationalism, which in turn was upheld by the spirit of patriotism, which divided the peoples of the world by geographical boundaries, over which each fought the other until they turned the world into a shamble. The ruling power of this old order has always been the rich, who exploited the masses for profit or drove them en masse to war, to perpetuate their misrule.
“The principle teachers of patriotism maintaining nationalism were the churches, who have lost their spiritual power and been forsaken of God. Thus, on the side of the old order in the coming struggle, will be arrayed the governments, the rich, and the churches, and whatever forces they can drive or patriotically inspire to fight for them. On the other hand the new order that rises out of the sea of humanity knows no national boundaries, believing in the universal brotherhood of mankind and the establishment of the teachings of Jesus Christ as a foundation for all laws, whether political or social.”
Charles F. Parham, Everlasting Gospel, pp. 27-28
Varnel Watson
so what are you saying Dan Brent you dont believe that more than kissing the icon on your profile or what/
Daniel J Hesse
Uh oh.
Varnel Watson
are you commenting in tongues? Daniel J Hesse
Daniel J Hesse
Clap your hand all ye people!
Varnel Watson
but first wash them with soap for 20 seconds
David Levandusky
Ah but remember how Jezeblel got thrown over the wall and the dogs ate her up.
Rob Sweet
David Levandusky Ah, but clearly you don’t know she shows back up in Revelation.??
David Levandusky
Rob Sweet You mean she resurrected from those dogs.
Rob Sweet
David Levandusky Revelation 2:20
David Levandusky
I agree – putting a little humor aside the Jezebel spirit of immorality, false doctrine, and witchcraft control is very aggressive right now.
Jesse James Sullivan
If you believe in factionalism of any kind you do not have the spirit. You’re marriage is with GOD. His spirit Let’s you see beyond worldly conceptualization.
And it is perfectly evident what the old nature does. It expresses itself in sexual immorality, impurity and indecency; involvement with the occult and with drugs; in feuding, fighting, becoming jealous and getting angry; in selfish ambition, factionalism, intrigue and envy; in drunkenness, orgies and things like these. I warn you now as I have warned you before: those who do such things will have no share in the Kingdom of God!
Galatians (Gal) 5:19-21 CJB
Gary Micheal Epping
Why don’t you ask Peter Fiske or Link Hudson. They know the man.
Varnel Watson
I dont know about knowing him personally but what would be the point of your request? Cant we judge for ourselves?
Gary Micheal Epping
How can you really judge for ourselves if you do not know the man. End up with hearsay and sometimes fake news. Fiske knows Kilpatrick’s son, and Link always has a decent spin. Could get some interesting comments. Seems funny they haven’t already stepped in and commented.
Varnel Watson
Gary Micheal Epping I actually know Kilpatrick believe it or not but we dont judge men in this group of theology It is kind of the way you do theology anyway – you dont have to know the theologian to read their writing and express opinion Like Fiske I dont know but I can talk volumes about his AG theology Link is more of a bapticostal so I dont know much there But back to the post – what bothered you so, to wanna know the man personally There isnt much about him personally in the post if you read it Just his theologizing
Varnel Watson
Gary Micheal Epping not sure why this post is popping up from the past but I have spoken with @Link Hudson quite a bit about Jezebel and for the most of it he concurs
Varnel Watson
Isara Mo you havent pitched in on this jezebel related item just YET
Isara Mo
Troy Day
Let me read the post and will revert.
Varnel Watson
Isara Mo why you havent yet?
Dan Brent
I must note too that I get the feeling that Kilpatrick might be being misrepresented here. The quotes given are not coherent. My criticisms above weren’t necessarily directed at Kilpatrick himself, as much as the author of this article’s spin on it.
it HAS began Joseph D. Absher William DeArteaga Philip Williams
Nikki Halley?
Philip Williams you are wrong – Presidential debate
Five Republicans have qualified for the third 2024 presidential debate set for Wednesday in Miami. They are former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy and South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott. Missing from the debate stage will be North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum and former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson, who both failed to meet the criteria. Former Vice President Mike Pence, who qualified for the first two debates, dropped out of the Republican primary last month. Donald Trump, the front-runner, is skipping the debate as he did the two previous ones. He is slated to host a rally in South Florida as counterprogramming instead.
Trump Leads in 5 Critical States as Voters Blast Biden