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In this chapter we examined the Hebrew Scriptures to determine the pre-understanding of demons that
the Jews had when Jesus ministered deliverance among them. From the Hebrew Scriptures we learn
the following about demons:
1. Demons are described as the gods that the Gentiles worship. Any person who offers worship to
any being other than the G-d of Israel is worshipping a demon.
2. Idols are what humans imagine demons to look like.
3. Demons are described as being able to pierce through man in the same way that an arrow can
pierce into the heart of man. So that when a demon gets a hold on a man, the demon can then exercise
influence over that man.
4. Demons only have influence over people through fear. It is the fear within a man that empowers
a demon and weakens the man.
5. Demons cause people to confuse the blessings and curses of G-d. What is actually a blessing is
perceived as a curse, and what is actually a curse is perceived as a blessing. This is especially true
in such areas as sickness versus health and poverty versus abundance.
6. We can see that the terms evil spirits, unclean spirits and demons are used interchangeably in
the Hebrew Scriptures.
7. It is G-d, not the devil, who allows demons to enter a person. The devil and demons have no
power over an individual unless it is granted by G-d.
8. Therefore, the only way to escape from the power of evil spirits is through the intervention of
(to skip over the appendix and proceed to the beginning of chapter two – click here)
Appendix: The Use of the Words Tannim and Tannin
The following list contains the references to all the places where these words occur. I will give the
Hebrew word, followed by the way it is translated into the LXX, and then the way that it occurs in the
Job 30.29 – – Hebrew tannim – Greek siren – AV dragons;
Psa. 44.19 121 – Hebrew tannim – Greek affliction – AV place of dragons;
Isa. 13.22 – – Hebrew tannim – Greek nossopoiesousin – AV dragons;
Isa. 34.13 – -Hebrew tannim – Greek sirens – AV dragons;
Isa. 35.7 – – Hebrew tannim – Greek birds – AV dragons;
Isa 43.20 – – Hebrew tannim – Greek owls – AV dragons;
Jer. 9.11 122 – Hebrew tannim – Greek dragons – AV dragons;
Jer. 10.22 – – Hebrew tannim – Greek ostriches – AV dragons;
Jer. 14.6 – – Hebrew tannim – Greek spirit – AV dragons;
Jer. 49.33 123 – Hebrew tannim – Greek ostrich – AV dragons;
Jer. 51.37 124 – Hebrew tannim – Greek (no word) – AV dragons;
Eze. 29.3 – – Hebrew tannim – Greek dragon – AV great dragon;
Eze. 32.2 – – Hebrew tannim – Greek dragon – AV whale;
Mic.1.8 – – Hebrew tannim – Greek dragons – AV dragons;
Gen. 1.21 – – Hebrew tannin – Greek sea monster – AV whale;
Exo. 7.9 – – Hebrew tannin – Greek dragon – AV serpent;
Exo. 7.10 – – Hebrew tannin – Greek dragon – AV serpent;
Exo. 7.12 – – Hebrew tannin – Greek dragon – AV serpent;
Deut. 32.33 – Hebrew tannin – Greek dragons – AV dragons;
Job 7.12 – – Hebrew tannin – Greek dragon – AV whale;
Psa. 74.13 125 Hebrew tannin – Greek dragons – AV dragons;
Psa. 91.13 126 Hebrew tannin – Greek asp – AV dragons;
Psa. 148.7 – – Hebrew tannin – Greek dragons – AV dragons;
Isa. 27.1 – – Hebrew tannin – Greek dragon – AV dragons;
Isa. 51.9 – – Hebrew tannin – Greek ostrich – AV dragons;
Jer. 51.34127 Hebrew tannin – Greek dragon – AV dragons;
Lam. 4.3 – – Hebrew tannin – Greek dragons – AV sea monster;
Mal. 1.3 – – Hebrew tanot – Greek (no word) – AV dragons.
(end of appendix of appendix one)
Varnel Watson
brand new – very good Isara Mo Joe Absher
Isara Mo
Troy Day
//Demons are described as the gods that the Gentiles worship. Any person who offers worship to
any being other than the G-d of Israel is worshipping a demon.//
This is really a REVELATION…..
Joe Absher
This author again supposes the power of demons is fear. It seems to me a very humanist approach. If I may id like to say the power and bondage of the devil is sin and rebellion to God. When a man is made righteous by faith in Jesus Christ the power and curse of sin is broken. And thus the deceiver and foe displaced. The burden of guilt and shame is rolled away he has assurance and liberty, joy and strength by grace through faith that is in Jesus Christ.
Link Hudson
What is the Biblical vasis for demons being limited to operating through fear? I see Joe Absher saw the same thing. WOF teaching came to my mind rather than humanists-who nay notbelie e in demons.
What is the source?
Charles Page
Imagine if Jesus had done something about the devil from the cross, what could have happened?
Link Hudson
Paul said he triumphed over principalities and powers by the cross.
Varnel Watson
Link Hudson What is the Biblical basis for demons being limited to operating through fear? – you may actually have a point there Pls explain what do you mean by fear – and operating through it. Fear from what – darkness, situation, sickness, other people, other demonized folk? In church and organized religion we see a lot of fear from
false higher authority
meaning religious fear imputed by people in office who do not actually hold spiritual authority I dont mean through apostolic anointing operating through people in office but folks in office who have lost it and simply keep in faking it to show face
Jezebel operated this way – remember? Fear from higher political authority who lacked holiness and spiritual power How real is this Jezebel spirit in the church today? You tell us what you meant here
Link Hudson
I am responding to rhe post. Whoever wrote it should explain.
Demons kay influence people through fear in some cases, using fear as a ‘doorway’ or using fear as a mechanism to influence oeope. Thatmakes sense. But why would theybe limited to using fear either as a doorway or as a mechanism of control ir influence. What about using varius lusts instead?
Brian Roden
Link Hudson Like the lust for power, control, or money. People make pacts with demonic powers in exchange for fame, riches, etc. (See the Mexican cult of Santa Muerte, “Saint Death”)
Varnel Watson
Link Hudson what do you mean by that – you are responding to the post and saying what? Pls explain clearly
Brian Roden
Since we’re talking about demons, has anyone else here read “Power Encounter: A Pentecostal Perspective” edited by Dr. Opal Reddin? It’s out of print, but used copies are available at a decent price. I just finished it last week.
Michael Hazlewood
Varnel Watson
what do you mean by that under this post?
Link Hudson
The article says, ‘Demons only have influence over people through fear….’
Where does the Bible teach this? Is this idea even consistent with what we know about demons experientially through those who cast them out or those who have been delivered from them? ….that they have influence ____only_____ through fear. The Devil tried to temp Jesus with desire for food and power.
Michael Hazlewood
Troy Day Expressing the outright blatant disreguard for the Word of God as your foundation for doctrine