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“Death of Denominations” article in The Progressive Christian Nov/Dec 2008
Anglican Communion suspending the Episcopal Church reminds of this study on the “Death of Denominations” in the The Progressive Christian Magazine – a pluralistic, ecumenical magazine with articles that are willing to “foster vigorous dialogue and debate” and “challenge conventional wisdom” William DeArteaga Terry Wiles Peter A

John Kissinger [01/15/2016 12:47 PM]
updated #DeathOFdenominations
John Kissinger [01/15/2016 5:51 PM]
So where do you stand on this issue Humphrey Have you read the study?
John Kissinger [01/15/2016 5:58 PM]
and then we have the CP contradicting Peter A Vandever David Bryan
John Kissinger [01/15/2016 8:29 PM]
John Kissinger [01/16/2016 5:52 AM]
Peter A Vandever wrote that the church is a mess but that’s not what Christianity Today sasy David Bryan
Peter A Vandever [01/16/2016 5:53 AM]
a growing mess…. has been a growing mess since 1988
Peter A Vandever [01/16/2016 5:54 AM]
John Kissinger [01/16/2016 5:59 AM]
Peter A Vandever most of your information about the church in America seems to be outdated at large. Unfortunately, 1989 book and your “eyewitness” accounts are at best decades displaced from today’s reality. Christianity Today’s 2014 article seems pretty accurate if you’ve read it. The Death of Denominations issue today translates into mega-church and multi-site church growth
Peter A Vandever [01/16/2016 6:00 AM]
They are pretending everything is ok when it is not. I look at America and see how little salt and light the church is. One big hopeless mess.
John Kissinger [01/16/2016 10:24 AM]
“Denominationalism is not dead but, increasingly, it’s only one of several options for organizing the church in America,” explained Dr. Bill Leonard who knows a little something about Religion in the Appalachians
Brian Crisp
I believe that denominations have become a thing of the past. I believe that’s a good thing. Jesus came to start a church not many denominations.
Varnel Watson
Not sure if this is entirely true BUT some restructuring to move from a monument back to a movement may be in need William DeArteaga David Willaim Faupel Terry Wiles Alan N Carla Smith Ricky Grimsley John Conger Peter A Vandever
Jon Ray
If we are going to remember fathers of Pentecostal revivals today, let’s start with the Azusa Street Chronology 110 Years Ago…
Ricky Grimsley
Well eventually it gonna get back down to those who worship the beast and those who dont
Jon Ray
Maybe not if we begin remembering the spiritual mothers and fathers who created the movement identity of our tradition
Varnel Watson
Death of Denominations – it’s a real thing Terry Wiles
Ricky Grimsley
If the church of God is gonna let globalist minions of the pope come and speak at their campmeetings…..we will soon be gone to.
Varnel Watson
Oh, honey, these boots are made for walking…
Varnel Watson
Brian Crisp Terry Wiles Brody Pope David Lewayne Porter HAVE “DENOMINATIONS” OUTLIVED THEIR PURPOSE?
Jim Price
In the graft in this post, the first statement is; ” The Bible is clear and unambiguous…” while I still meet people who claim this to be true I can say after many years of studying and teaching the Bible that it is not always clear. So many of the books of the Bible have arthurs that are unknown, we often do not know the time frame in which they were written. In fact the very presence of this page gives testimony that we cannot agree on many things thus suggesting that the Bible is not clear.
David Lewayne Porter
I fully agree with you on,
“In fact the very presence of this page gives testimony that we cannot agree on many things thus suggesting that the Bible is not clear”.
I believe the Bible is clear. We are just hard headed, opinionated, self willed, and spoiled always wanting our own way.
David Lewayne Porter
Beating a dead horse.
Even if we do away with our titles, labels, headings, denominations, etc
Does anyone really think that all Christians and churches will ever truly get on the same page and agree on every single point and facet of the Bible and religious/Spiritual belief.
If, a Mighty Big IF, IF we can do it outside of and without denominational headings then we can do it within and with them.
I talked to a friend the other day that left an denominational church for a non-denominational church. “I refuse to use the title independent because the church can’t be independent. They are dependant on an organization as their head and covering or the government due to their charter from it.”
The very reasons they said they left the denominational church for the non-denominational one they could have had and done where they were.
I just sat there, smiled, and let them talk.
I believe people just want change and instead of helping to bring it themselves they would rather go to where it appears to already be.
Here’s an example from a family member and friends a few years ago:
A long time family friend got the pastorate of a denominational church and ran it as non-denominational which included removing the name and affiliations of the mother organization. He would sneak off to the twice yearly minister meetings without telling his congregation. My wife and I knew this because two of his leaders and right hand people were some of my family members.
He was conducting crusades during this time also.
During one of the crusades my wife and I was asked to help by the pastor.
After one of the services the workers were fellowshipping and my wife asked another couple around us where they attended services. Their answer was that they attended a wonderful independent church (her words). It was the same church pastored by our pastor friend who was conducting the crusade. Upon hearing the name my wife informed them that they were a “!!!!!” Denominational church.
The lady disagreed and my wife again stating they were non-denominational. My wife told her to go ask the pastor for a look at their church charter.
The next week my wife received a call from the pastor informing her that they did not advertise the denominational affiliation and asking her to please refrain from making it known.
Over the next few weeks word spread and issues arose within that fellowship.
The pastor left the church and started his own with the disgruntled attendees from the denominational church. (Notice they were upset with the mother organization, not those locally who had been concealing the truth from them).
Now every so often the pastor will turn his church over to one of the younger ministers in the congregation and he will change locations in order to start another “fellowship”. Eventually the attenders at the previous location will migrate to the new location with him leaving a struggling small fragmented shell of what used to be a healthy body.
2 points;
If all it took to disrupt the original church was the KNOWLEDGE of Who they Actually Were,
how deep, mature, and Christian were they?
The only thing that changed for them was the Unveiling of the Truth. Nothing practically changed. Ministry did not change. Knowledge changed.
If everytime Pastor “&” changes locations the people follow him then
Who are they following, having faith in, and in allegiance to?
If a denominational title offends people that badly they may want to examine themselves.
How long will a ministry like Rod Parsley’s last without him?
How long will these ministries continue?; TD Jakes, Creflo Dollar, Marilyn Hickey, Jessie Duplantis, etc.?
Denominations have issues because they are constructed by men and include people.
But then so do non-denominational fellowships.
I have worked for God and received fruit within denominations and outside of them.
The success or failure of a person or ministry is determined by the “want to”, the “determination”, and the “motivation” of the individual(s) involved.
Terry Wiles
lol. Some of the guys you mention in the third to last paragraph just sell their membership to one of the friends and move on. In most cases its a matter of following the money trail.
David Lewayne Porter
No, this brother in particular does not.
He is actually trying to build churches and place younger pastors into healthy churches.
But the non-denominational membership are trapped into their thinking and follow “the man”.
Terry Wiles
True, many are trapped into their thinking and follow “the man.” Also, many trash other ministries and denominations laying a trap for others to fall into..
Manny Rios
All dying denominations end in gay clergy, socialism instead of fellowship, and snobbish atheist theologians instead of Scripture-based scholarship.
Terry Wiles
Some die because there is no younger generation that rises up to carry the mantle.
David Lewayne Porter
After being in Kenly, NC last weekend with the CoG for Teen Talent and seeing a couple hundred + teens using their gifts and talents for God in Eastern North Carolina
My fears of not having the next generation of God Followers in the CoG are gone.
God has indeed left Himself a number and a generation that have not bowed their knee to satan.
Our job is to come along side them and let them come alone side of us as we join hands and arms and continue our God given purpose.
Varnel Watson
Most denominations are good until starting to ordain homosexuals
David Lewayne Porter
Troy Day
IF that day comes,
I will be gone as soon as I receive word.
Varnel Watson
Charismatics and Pentecostals are in agreement with the leaders in these tapes (The NAR leaders). They’ve fought against the ideas in “The New Apostolic Reformation” and they are to be commended for that. Unfortunately, their voice is largely being drowned out by the much more prominent and popular leaders who’ve declared themselves the Super Apostles. God help us all to be faithful to His Word, and to ignore the teachings of men. It’s where Death of Denominations came from
Gerardo de Dominicis
Well I don’t have a denomination. I’m a hybrid ?
Varnel Watson
denominations are not to be had
DEATH of DENOMINATIONS: Are denominations Biblical? | Pentecostal Theology
[…] Anglican Communion suspending the Episcopal Church reminds of this study on the “Death of Denominations” in the The Progressive Christian Magazine – a pluralistic, ecumenical magazine with articles that are willing to “foster vigorous dialogue and debate” and “challenge conventional wisdom” […]
DEATH of DENOMINATIONS: Are denominations Biblical? | Pentecostal Theology
[…] DEATH of DENOMINATIONS: Are denominations Biblical? | Pentecostal Theology on Death of Denominations […]
No they are not dying but growing daily as smart men know that it pays to start a
your little kingdom ..
Isara Mo actually they are – pretty much ALL of them
None. Independent Bible Church only.
Duane L Burgess Independent Bible Church was dead when it started
No denomination cannot enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, and the Body of Christ (Church) is only possible.