A book on Liberation Theology every Christian should read

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I’m only 25 pages in, and I can already say that this is a book every Christian should read.

I'm only 25 pages in, and I can already say that this is a book every Christian should read.

John Kissinger [01/13/2016 12:16 PM]
Was it really created by the #KGB ? http://www.pentecostaltheology.com/kgb-created-liberation-theology/

Charles Page [01/13/2016 9:06 PM]
#russianenvy #russiaphobia

Derrick Harmon [01/13/2016 9:34 PM]
I have tried to read liberation theology books. They are boring. I am assuming this one is too.

Derrick Harmon [01/13/2016 9:37 PM]
Can someone explain liberation theology to me in a few sentences, please. They “why” and “who cares” and “why does it matter.” Thanks!

Charles Page [01/13/2016 9:40 PM]
Liberation theology has been described as “an interpretation of Christian faith out of the experience of the poor…an attempt to read the Bible and key Christian doctrines with the eyes of the poor”, or “the message of the gospels”, restored from “the first three centuries [of Christianity in which] it was … a pacifist … religion of the poor”. Detractors have called it Christianized Marxism. –Wikipedia

Charles Page [01/13/2016 9:41 PM]
Henry, you are probably 25 pages too far!!!

Derrick Harmon [01/13/2016 10:05 PM]
Right. So it’s the Pope’s gospel?

John Kissinger [01/14/2016 5:21 AM]
uh – no Actually it is very protestant when you look at it

Terry Wiles [01/15/2016 9:07 AM]
Everyone should read this for understanding. It may have started with the Pope but the evolutions of this over racial lines has influenced and is a driving force in the overall social agenda in the liberal political world. Liberation Theology has morphed into ideologies that leads this nation and the world down the path of civil war.

Derrick Harmon [01/15/2016 7:43 PM]

John Kissinger [01/16/2016 5:55 AM]
that’s why Liberation Theology is so appealing to #NAR charismatics who would like to connect with the Pope in 2017 and perhaps forego the whole Luther’s protestant Reformation; this move is specifically appealing to Charismatic believers who came out of Brownsville, Pensacola, Toronto or other later rains revivals of which Peter A Vandever often writes as a direct witness of their failures. One is truly left to wonder What’s the NEXT BIG THING in #Pentecostalism? http://www.pentecostaltheology.com/whats-the-next-big-thing-in-pentecostalism/

Peter A Vandever [01/16/2016 5:56 AM]
Brownsville was Pentecostal, not Charismatic.

John Kissinger [01/16/2016 6:00 AM]
yeah, good luck with proving that and the Emma angel 🙂 http://www.pentecostaltheology.com/todd-bentley-is-back-to-doing-revival-meetings/

Peter A Vandever [01/16/2016 6:01 AM]
Is the Assemblies of God a Pentecostal movement? Last I checked.

John Kissinger [01/16/2016 6:08 AM]
John Wesley correctly stated, “It is a fundamental principle that to renounce reason is to renounce religion, that religion and reason go hand in hand; all irrational religion is false religion.” While he recognized physical manifestations as a natural response to an encounter with the gospel, he also attributed enthusiasms such as falling, laughing, and jumping to the “simplicity” of people and to the ploys of Satan. Wesley recounted the story of a meeting that took place in 1773. A hymn was sung over and over some 30 or 40 times, resulting in bodily agitations on the part of some of the people present. In response to this phenomenon, he wrote, “Satan serves himself of their simplicity, in order…to bring a discredit on the work of God.” Years earlier, in 1740, an epidemic of laughter had broken out during a gathering in Bristol. Wesley said, “I was surprised at some, who were buffeted of Satan in an unusual manner, by such a spirit of laughter as they could in no wise resist.” A short time later the “spirit of laughter” returned. One lady present was “so violently and variously torn of the evil one” that “she laughed till almost strangled; then broke out into cussing and blaspheming; then stamped and struggled with incredible strength, so that four or five could scarcely hold her.” http://www.matthewroliver.com/apps/blog/why-i-left-the-brownsville-revival

John Kissinger [01/16/2016 8:55 PM]
did you finish it Henry Volk what was your point of bringing up #LiberationTheology ?

John Kissinger [01/17/2016 7:49 AM]
Henry Volk it makes a compelling and passionate case right about the time Wagner was active there?

Henry Volk [01/17/2016 10:14 AM]
No, he makes a passionate case for the care of the poor. He also talks about his own experiences in South America.

John Kissinger [01/17/2016 12:48 PM]
the 90’s is when Wagner’s NAR was active in South America


  • Reply June 4, 2016

    Jon Ray

    John Ruffle Is liberation theology as prominent in cathlicism and high churches today as it was back in the 70s? Henry Volk DeArteaga

    • Reply June 4, 2016

      John Ruffle

      Short answer: no.
      But replacement theology is (my term for outright blatant heresy that does not even make a nod at being true to scripture).

  • Reply June 4, 2016

    Robert Borders

    What is the title of the book?

  • Reply June 4, 2016

    Henry Volk

    Liberation theology is much more diverse than the South American brand that developed in the 70’s.

    • Reply June 4, 2016

      Robert Borders

      I still haven’t found out the title of the book on liberation theology that was being discussed. Would you be willing to share the title. Thanks

    • Reply June 4, 2016

      Henry Volk

      Eh, I think the book Troy is referring to is some sort of pseudo-history. It’s written by a former Soviet Romanian official who claims that the CCCP created Liberation Theology. This claim is ridiculous since Marxist-Christianity existed prior to the Revolution and formation of the Union, and those theologians were ousted or worst. Check out Nikolai Berdyaev. A good book on LT is, Liberation Theology an Introduction.

  • Reply June 4, 2016

    Varnel Watson

    Volk Actually I was referring to the book you were reading back then: “I’m only 25 pages in, and I can already say that this is a book every Christian should read.” Unfortunately, fb has deleted the original post but perhaps you remember its title. Not sure what pseudo history you are referring to and I dont believe I’ve ever recommended such. There’s been talk about LT lately and its origins in the KGB “theology export” Terry Wiles http://www.pentecostaltheology.com/gutierrezs-book-a-theology-of-liberation-designed-by-kgb/

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